The left in this country is evil.
There are a few on the left who are not evil. The problem is, they side with the ones who are.
I'd love to know who that is.
Timmy McViegh fans
How many children did he kill with one bomb in a few minutes
My GF is a Dem, but you wouldn't think it to hear her. She is quite conservative on many issues (guns, the news media, destruction of monuments, to name a few). Although we never discuss politics, I'd bet she voted for Biden. I, of course, voted for Trump to counter it.
She sounds like a liberal not a leftist. The jackass party has been hijacked by leftist cunts like the ones all over this board. I remember assholes like teddy Kennedy, he was a fucking liberal hack but I never got the sense he wanted to fuck America up the ass. Obama bin laden however is a leftist cunt that started us on the road to where we are right now.
The left in this country is evil.
The left in every country is evil.
She is not even a liberal. I'd say she's an "old school" Dem. At least they had morals, respect for our country and worked hard.
I would agree Obama had a hand in the racial division in this country. But the left's infinite hatred of Trump and the leftist news media put it through the log splitter.