The wait is KILLING me


Uwaa OmO
Literally. It is consuming all my absent thoughts. Whenever I have a free moment, I think fondly of it. How it will feel in my hands. How I will start my 3 gun matches with it. How it will be MINE.

Not really, but I'm bored and slightly drunk and I don't like waiting. If I don't buy now, I'll probably never have another chance to do so.
Take your courage in both hands and get that pizza. Hang the expense and danger.
Low, I know you're not the brightest, or the friendliest, or the funniest. In fact I'm hard pressed to find any admirable quality in you. But when I say this in my post:
How I will start my 3 gun matches with it
It's a fair bet I'm talking about guns, not food.
Low, I know you're not the brightest, or the friendliest, or the funniest. In fact I'm hard pressed to find any admirable quality in you. But when I say this in my post:
It's a fair bet I'm talking about guns, not food.

I use matches to light the gas to cook pizzas. How should I know that you are so stupid to want to own a device for killing your fellow man?
Channel that passion and you could bog from a d student to a c-
Top, I know you're upset that you can't compete intellectually with me, but really, have some sort of evidence that I'm anything other than an A student.
I use matches to light the gas to cook pizzas. How should I know that you are so stupid to want to own a device for killing your fellow man?
Why would I want to kill somebody? It's already patently obvious that I intend to use the device for sport. You know, like all those Olympic athletes. It takes great skill to shoot well Low, sorry that you're not capable. And sorry your pizza will continue to taste like shit since you use gas.