Dumbass Polack! That's about the work visa system to reduce Mexico's 50% unemployment.
It's a pretty lousy speech.
Dumbass Hick.
It got him elected, derp!
That and fixing CA's budget.
Reagan had a different plan by 1988. (after 8 years in office)
The plan was to secure the southern border.
Proof that Amnesty Reagan was for border control!?
Ask me how I know you're younger.
Amnesty was granted to 3 million in exchange for securing the border.
Bush didn't want to do that.
A border wall has been funded and the funds raided by Congress 3x or more.
Until Trump, Clinton built the most border wall.
This is the signing of the actual bill.
Start @ 3:55 for the relevant stuff.
Securing the border & Building a wall aren't necessarily one of the same.
Is Poland building walls to secure their border? Why yes, yes they are.
Walls work.
Sorry for calling you a dumbass, didn't mean that. I know you. It's just that you said something incredibly wrong.
Probably due to age.