The Waning Dominance and Influence of White Christians in America

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
A good article

Helps to explain the lashing out of the trumpanzees as they circle the bowl

“Long the dominant group in American religious life, White Christians have fallen below a majority of the U.S. population—and are moving to the right politically as they recede.” In an article that highlighted the results of a 2015 Pew Research Center Religious Landscape Survey. The bottom line? America is becoming browner and less Christian: “In 1944, more than eight-in-10 American adults [were] White Christians. That number declined to under seven-in-10 [by] 1984,” and then it “dipped below majority status [in] 2012. The latest figures place White Christians at 46 percent of the adult population” in 2012 (and that was 8 years ago)
How Christian Nationalism Moved from the Fringe to the White House

thankfully the peckerwoods numbers are shrinking

Stewart’s chapter on the history of Christian nationalism is particularly well done, revealing the unsavory past of a movement that presents itself as morally superior. She traces the current Christian right’s origins from reactionary, 19th century pro-slavery theologians to modern incarnations such as R.J. Rushdoony, the creator of a version of religious nationalism he called Christian Reconstruction. Rushdoony’s message influenced presidential candidate Ronald Reagan’s 1980 address to religious activists in Dallas, a milestone in his campaign. Months later, Stewart reports, Rushdoony visited Reagan in the White House to lobby for churches to remain tax exempt even when they operated whites-only private schools.

Such unflattering truths do not reflect what Christian nationalists want to believe, so they must create their own history. Enter David Barton, an Aledo, Texas-based former vice chair of the state GOP and pseudohistorian celebrated on the religious right for his revision of facts in service of the false narrative of “America’s Christian founding.” Stewart describes Barton’s influence—including on the Green family, the conservative Christian owners of Hobby Lobby and founders of the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C.—while showing how thoroughly his claims have been debunked. (In 2012, Barton’s book The Jefferson Lies was retracted by Christian publishing house Thomas Nelson, which cited its numerous factual inaccuracies.)
A good article

Helps to explain the lashing out of the trumpanzees as they circle the bowl

“Long the dominant group in American religious life, White Christians have fallen below a majority of the U.S. population—and are moving to the right politically as they recede.” In an article that highlighted the results of a 2015 Pew Research Center Religious Landscape Survey. The bottom line? America is becoming browner and less Christian: “In 1944, more than eight-in-10 American adults [were] White Christians. That number declined to under seven-in-10 [by] 1984,” and then it “dipped below majority status [in] 2012. The latest figures place White Christians at 46 percent of the adult population” in 2012 (and that was 8 years ago)

Those two things are closely related (diminishing numbers and a move to the right). Diversity is the enemy of the angry white Christian male. They are terrified of diversity. And they love to play the victim. Donald Trump is their new Jesus.