The War Against Oxy in West Virginia

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Death in Mud Lick’’ has a sprawling cast of cast of characters with nicknames like “Pork Chop’’ and “Bulldog’’ and “Tomahawk.’’ And it’s filled with hard-boiled sentences like this:

“After rifling through the single-wide, Debbie stepped outside, her platinum-blond hair afire in the morning sun, her brown eyes, rimmed with red, narrowing to scan the depths of the hollow.’’

The state’s 4½-year legal fight resulted in a $47 million settlement with the drug distributors. But a third of that went to lawyers, and not a single addiction treatment center was built in southern West Virginia, the epicenter of the state’s opioid epidemic. Mr. Eyre, who started at the Gazette-Mail in 1998, announced his resignation last month. As the movie cop once said to Jack Nicholson, “Forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown.’’