APP - The way I see it, Trump wins no matter what Nancy does


Former Vice President
The way I see it, there are four potential outcomes from the impeachment circus the democrat party is playing and quite frankly, President Trump wins no matter what. I am writing them most likely to least likely
The whole point of this circus is to try to scare weak kneed republicans like Romney to get them to organize a revolt within the Republican party so they can take out Trump like they took out Nixon without ever having to hold a vote. I don't think it will work. Oh Romney is trying to start a rebellion, but Trump will not resign. He will force all of them to actually vote and they don't get to do it in secret like some fascists on this forum would wish for.

1) Nancy Pelosi continues this sham "impeachment inquiry" without ever holding a single vote. Nancy's base is demoralized. Trump has a potent campaign tool and cruises to re-election. - Right now most likely outcome

2) Nancy Pelosi has to quell a rebellion and hold an impeachment vote but she does not have the support of her entire caucus due to vulnerable democrats in districts Trump won BIGLY in 2016 and it goes down to defeat in the House. Trump has a potent campaign tool and democrats are defeated and demoralized. Trump cruised to re-election.

3) Nancy Pelosi holds a vote in the House and it passes, heading off to the Senate where it goes down to defeat and Trump is acquitted. Even if the democrats scream PARTISANSHIP on behalf of the Turtle, it is still a loss. Nancy goes down a loser. Trump is emboldened and cruises to victory in 2020

4) Nancy holds a vote in the House. It passes. It goes to the Senate and the Senate votes to remove President Trump. There is nothing preventing Donald Trump from running as an independent in 2020. Romney runs as the Republican. Trump wins again. Romney is shamed. Republican Party as it is known is destroyed and from the ashes a new conservative, patriotic party is born.