The whiners and the workers

FYI inheriting money and maintaining tremendous wealth just off of the natural passive interest rates that stocks attain without talent or effort is not in fact "work".
Then how comes so many people who inherit wealth go broke?

Some times it is because they don't have the skills to maintain or grow the wealth left to them. Sometimes it is because they #YOLO!!!! through life. Sometimes it is because they keep that wealth in a dated and failing business or businesses not keeping up with the market. Some times it is because they get fleeced by those around them. Lots of different ways wealth gets lost.
Then how comes so many people who inherit wealth go broke?

Because they have no idea about how difficult it is to work, earn, save, invest -- easy come, easy go.

In America it's been traditional for most of us to admire those who gain wealth by hard work, thrift, sacrifice, especially if you start out with not much at all. Those who inherit it -- not so much. For the contards out there who think that all liberals hate wealthy people: You're dead wrong. We mostly don't hate at all, but we do have a huge amount of disgust towards creatures like Trumpty-Dumpty who inherited, fucked it up, was given even MORE, fucked that up -- and then had to borrow from Russians to continue the myth that he's a jillionnaire.... all the while sneering at people like you and like me who started out with not much and worked hard for what we have.

And that's what I don't get about the Trump Cultists -- how can you worship someone who has so little regard or understanding for you?
So? It's THEIR money, not the governments, and therefore None of your fucking business.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses