Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
America's savages

The introduction of ”Christianity” into what we now call ‘North America’ was genocidal by nature. The religion was offered to indigenous tribes and African slaves as the only alternative to being killed, and they were often enslaved and killed anyways.

People were bought and sold and raped and abused. Land was stolen. Countless lives were ruthlessly destroyed by people who claimed to follow the ‘Prince of Peace.’ This was how Westernized Christendom was built: violently and as a weapon to help establish white-dominated social structures of colonial rule.

Generations have passed, but our society is still cursed by these evils. The vast majority of legislators, judges, law enforcement officers, CEOs, and school teachers are white, and people of color must live within environments where white people are complicit in maintaining their dominant “status quo” and systems of supremacy.

From colonial rule to present day, racism has remained a constant, and so too has the influence and presence of the American white church. Complicit in slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, the Japanese Internment, xenophobia, and bigotry, the white church has been a steady oppressor and rarely an ally for people of color.

So it should come as no surprise that nativist speeches, dog whistle politics, and racist sentiments would be largely supported by white Christians during the Trump era. According to recent polls, many white Christians believe they themselves are the victims of massive discrimination. And although the majority of black Americans (84 percent) think president Trump is racist, when Trump called Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists “very fine people...” or when he referred to “sh**hole countries” or called immigrants “rapists…,” or praises confederate generals, or uses rhetoric to disparage Muslims, the white church did what it always has done in the face of racism — nothing.
Slaves, Dinosaurs and White Jesus, Oh My! How Taxpayers Fund Crazy Christian Conservative Education

Slaves who accepted Jesus into their hearts were better off than the ones who held on to African religions. Black people were pretty happy under Jim Crow until Northerners messed everything up. Noah brought dinosaurs onto his ark and Africans had dinosaur puppies, but the Nazis don’t want you to know that.

These are not crazy ideas; these are lessons from textbooks and workbooks being taught as facts to hundreds of thousands of children in private and charter schools across Florida. Even worse, the taxpayers of Florida are footing the bill for students to learn these alternative facts.

More than 300,000 of Florida’s K-12 students are enrolled in one of the state’s 2,000-plus private schools, according to the Florida Department of Education (pdf). The Orlando Sentinel reports that 140,000 of these children receive state scholarships or vouchers to attend these schools, costing taxpayers nearly $1 billion.

While the state subsidizes these students’ education, Florida’s notoriously conservative Legislature prohibits the state’s Education Department from asking about the curriculum at these schools. But when the Sentinel looked at the curriculum used by some of the private Christian schools, it found that many of the companies that supply the textbooks and lesson plans were staunchly conservative to the point of rewriting history.

But this is not just Florida. This is a national epidemic.
Religions are businesses that compete with other religions for money and power. The fundies are a great example of Christianity gone wrong. The Catholic church is much the same. They subverted religious action in favor of covering up and saving money. Like most criminal acts, it bit them in the ass.
Religious leaders know exactly what you do about god and the afterlife...nothing. They make it up to get your money. They have perfected the act for over a thousand years.
Kenneth Copeland is very close to being a Billionaire even though he already claims billion dollar status. He runs Kenneth Copeland Ministries. His ministry’s 1,500-acre campus is a half-hour drive from Fort Worth includes a church, a private airstrip, a hangar for the ministry’s $17.5 million jet and other aircraft, and a $6 million church owned lakefront mansion.
Kenneth Copeland is very close to being a Billionaire even though he already claims billion dollar status. He runs Kenneth Copeland Ministries. His ministry’s 1,500-acre campus is a half-hour drive from Fort Worth includes a church, a private airstrip, a hangar for the ministry’s $17.5 million jet and other aircraft, and a $6 million church owned lakefront mansion.

He is not an outlier. Religion is a for-profit business and they never have enough. Why the followers never figure it out amazes me. I wonder who came up with tithing? that was a brilliant idea to put guilt and money pressure on the people. It is not a religious concept, but a business tactic. In 10 years of tithing,the church collects as much wealth as the entire mass of followers has and it repeats the next decade. What a money scheme that is.
Religions are businesses that compete with other religions for money and power. The fundies are a great example of Christianity gone wrong. The Catholic church is much the same. They subverted religious action in favor of covering up and saving money. Like most criminal acts, it bit them in the ass.
Religious leaders know exactly what you do about god and the afterlife...nothing. They make it up to get your money. They have perfected the act for over a thousand years.

The only one making shit up, is you, with this diatribe full of falsehoods.
He is not an outlier. Religion is a for-profit business and they never have enough. Why the followers never figure it out amazes me. I wonder who came up with tithing? that was a brilliant idea to put guilt and money pressure on the people. It is not a religious concept, but a business tactic. In 10 years of tithing,the church collects as much wealth as the entire mass of followers has and it repeats the next decade. What a money scheme that is.

We do figure it out, and we are well aware of shysters like Copeland, and Osteen. But that doesn't mean all of Christiandom is tainted. You lumped the Catholic church in with the shysters, but their record on charity easily belies that falsehood.

What's hilarious is, as leftist lunatics point their crooked little fingers at everybody else, they fail to see their own cult like religiosity. Fucking hypocrites, the lot of ya.