The World Economic Forum Greedbag Retards & Their Climate Change Hoax

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
First off

Climate: is temperature with precipitation.

Climate change: is when the temperature fluctuates higher and lower as well as precipitation fluctuates as more dense or less dense.

Yet here we have retards known as World Economic Forum Members (Greedbags) who because they have no validity what so ever, attempted to hijack the term climate change and have been pathetically trying to force such rubbish as climate change only means human activity making the temperature of the Earth rise and precipitation more dense.

Less than 30% of the Earth is land surface and only approximately 10% of the land on Earth is occupied by humans which means that only 3% of the entire Earth's surface is occupied by humans yet here we have these WEF Members attempting to tell you that humans raise the temperature of the Earth on a significant level of impact and yet because all they do is lie can't even prove that humans raise the temperature even 0.000001 degree yet these low life scum bags are attempting to guilt humans into their pathetic scam by claiming raising the temperature even 1 degree makes storms much worse, flooding much worse etc. They fool the gullible into making videos about trying to make it a human rights violation to raise the temperature meanwhile again they can't even prove that 3% of the Earth's surface area occupied by humans can raise the temperature 0.000001 degree because again all they do is lie.

When Minister, Catherine McKenna removed over a hundred years of Canada's climate history citing it was unreliable of which unreliable in supporting the WEF climate change hoax.

Why would they do this, to corner the oil industry making all countries pay them for oil when many of these countries can extract and process the oil themselves. This makes it so people can't pay their mortgages, lose their homes and while they can't afford a place to live the Greedbags lobby useful idiots to flood the country with immigrants thus assuring citizens go homeless while immigrants like illegal invaders take their homes especially in western civilizations in modern day which is more proof of white replacement theory.

I could get more into detail and perhaps in the new year I will. (Very likely) but this is for you to think about for yourselves.

World economic Forum Members along with their useful idiot imbeciles / back stabbers of the citizens they betray with WEF rubbish etc. belong behind bars, all of their money / assets taken away from them and given back to the countries that these scum bags steal from. Once this is done an easy 90% of the worlds problems will fade away as the fabricated WEF rubbish to give us all a headache that it is with these retards behind bars.

I am ticked right off and intend upon start intellectually hitting pretty hard in the New Year starting with Trudeau making an announcement and heading off to Jamaica but I'll fill you in on that soon enough. Like with sharing selfies, when Justin Trudeau sees globalist derriere he wants to be at the center of attention.

I am considering starting the New Year without rubbing Trudeau's face in the globalists back sides he loves to pamper with his face so much. Instead I will likely make a Justin Trudeau face in globalist ass compilation with all of the slams I made since hitch hiking from Ottawa to Collingwood which is when I began such but is not my priority so don't hold your breath for that release.

Well last year I started the year off with Crappy New Year to you all and yes it was but for what it is worth in hopes we can turn this around happy new year everyone and play safe.

Made me smile to see MP Pierre Poilievre here in his car in Collingwood yesterday (99% sure it was him, I chuckled and said Pierre as I walked by but his window was shut) but it doesn't change my mood in lieu of what transpires these days. Pierre touts freedom of religion as a part of his platform and I have made clear I will never support such rubbish for decades now. Globalists and their useful idiots, their bought out main stream media, their leftist hate groups (BLM, Antifa, LGBT) all follow religious example of ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief and try to force such rubbish upon everyone else just like the religious have been doing for thousands of years and for thousands of years leading to war and divide & to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day over factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies.

How Much Land On Earth Is Inhabited?

The following is an educational video which reveals the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies of which I have been sharing with Pierre Poilievre since I think he started 2004 which is four years after I started my path of contacting UK and Canadian officials on my way to the Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist I have earned (not one person on this planet has ever contested me with even so much as a shred of validity on the foundation of any primary issue I address) thus become. It's sad to see Pierre ignoring fact and promoting filthy religious lies. Very disheartening. If you are religious, you ought to be ashamed because there is no excuse for this. You living with your heads up your backsides is not a valid reason or excuse for it and thanks to your deliberate ignorance in setting such example globalists and their little broods now follow your example thus hastening chaos dividing and conquering several countries around the world simultaneously in modern day.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
Let's not forget that when bullshit is pushed upon several countries simultaneously for years as in one bullshit thing after another it's proof of conspiracy unfolding and on a global scale.