The worst inventions of all time


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To really invent something great, you have to give yourself permission to fail. It’s safe to say there have been a lot of failures out there: spam email, motorcycle perfume, fish training kits, fire-prone hoverboards and spray-on hair are among the worst inventions on record. Come on, people. You can do better.

Click ahead to see the worst inventions of all time.

Jeebus Ken...I cannot believe that they would miss the worst invention in all of human history. These guys aint too bright. The absolute worst invention in all of human history is;

The Cigarette. Here is an invention that if used as intended, will ultimately kill the user, and has killed millions of them.
In hindsight, I believe all men over a certain age regret the invention of the polyester leisure suit. Especially if photographic evidence exists of them wearing it.
Jeebus Ken...I cannot believe that they would miss the worst invention in all of human history. These guys aint too bright. The absolute worst invention in all of human history is;

The Cigarette. Here is an invention that if used as intended, will ultimately kill the user, and has killed millions of them.

I thought you lefties believed people should be able to make personal choices. Why is it bad if someone kills him/herself because they smoked but OK if a woman kills her unborn child because she doesn't like the results of the choice she made to spread her legs?
I have to admire the guy who invented the plastic trash bag.

What could be better?

Here is a product that you buy just so you can throw it away.

Why not just pay the corporation and have them shipped directly to the landfill?

Right up there with bottled water.

I could hardly believe it the first time I saw that. It comes right out of the hose for next to nothing. Oh, but that's not 'good water.' Now we have to get everybody hooked on 'good water.' And make you pay for it.

All these centuries we existed just fine without any modern products.

And now we are making our lives better.

As we destroy our habitat.

Seems kind of stupid to me.
I thought you lefties believed people should be able to make personal choices. Why is it bad if someone kills him/herself because they smoked but OK if a woman kills her unborn child because she doesn't like the results of the choice she made to spread her legs?

WTF does that have to do with cigarettes being the worst invention ever you ignorant wingnut?
In hindsight, I believe all men over a certain age regret the invention of the polyester leisure suit. Especially if photographic evidence exists of them wearing it.

I have photographic evidence of me wearing one...sitting in a place where I can see it every day.

I thought they were so cool.

I'm glad they are gone.

That ends that mistake.