The worst job in the world??

Did you notice anything wrong with the aluminum can experiment? Actually aluminum is not reactive with sulfuric acid. It's the paint/coating on the can that was reacting and modern aluminum cans are all ready "tissue thin". Still, in all....he was a bleeding idiot for going out onto that lake in a rubber raft.
I'm not sure that it was an aluminium can, more likely it was a steel can. Strictly speaking aluminium is highly reactive but because of this it bonds with atmospheric oxygen forming an oxide layer which protects it from further oxidation. The Thermite reaction is a good example of its true reactivity.

[ame=""]YouTube - Thermite Experiment[/ame]

Did you notice anything wrong with the aluminum can experiment? Actually aluminum is not reactive with sulfuric acid. It's the paint/coating on the can that was reacting and modern aluminum cans are all ready "tissue thin". Still, in all....he was a bleeding idiot for going out onto that lake in a rubber raft.
The best way to experience this thread is to read all the responses while trying to guess what the link is about.
There was actually two worst jobs, the poor bastards who collect sulphur for pittance and the guy who took the dinghy onto a sulphuric acid lake. Although the latter presumably had a choice.

The best way to experience this thread is to read all the responses while trying to guess what the link is about.