The worst people of 2020 (who aren’t Trumps)

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
PAULA WHITE. It’s only fitting that Donald Trump’s “spiritual adviser” is a private-jet-setting, prosperity-preaching charlatan who loves the Lord almost as much as the donation plate. Paula White earned her place on this list the day after the election when, in a live-streamed service at her Apopka church, she babbled incoherently — sorry, “spoke in tongues” — while calling on “angelic reinforcements” to ensure Trump’s “victory.” “I hear a sound of victory,” she said. “The Lord says it is done. For angels have even been dispatched from Africa right now. ... In the name of Jesus from South America, they’re coming here.” Guess they got lost.
FLORIDA GOV. RON DESANTIS. Nowhere has DeSantis’s leg-humping obsequiousness toward Trump been more apparent than with the coronavirus, which has killed more than 20,000 of his state’s residents. Following Trump’s lead, DeSantis dismissed the virus’s dangers. His health department stopped talking about it. He forbade local governments from enforcing mask mandates and capacity restrictions. He reopened businesses in early May and boasted of how he’d tamed the pandemic without “draconian orders.” (Two months later, Florida was the virus’s global epicenter.) His minions (allegedly) fired an analyst who refused to manipulate COVID numbers, then the state cops raided her house. He hired an Ohio sports blogger and COVID conspiracy theorist as a data analyst. He blocked newspapers and academics from accessing records and hid federal warnings ahead of Thanksgiving. And I’d be remiss not to mention that DeSantis wants to give the state’s George Zimmermans license to kill anyone they think might *vandalize a business*. What could go wrong?
divided our baddies into four groups, as follows:

Seditionists: the conspiracy theorists, sore losers and D-league fascists trying to overturn Joe Biden’s victory.

Authoritarians: those who weakened the rule of law and used violence to quell anti-racist dissent.

Deniers: people whose ignorance, selfishness, political calculations or science denial made the COVID-19 pandemic worse than it had to be.

Cowards, crooks, enablers and shitheads: Every list needs a catchall.
Some of the worst, most morally corrupt human beings I have ever run across are on JPP dot com.

It is surprising how many of them claim to be devout Christians!
Nasty Pussy (aka Nancy Pelosi), Gavin Newsome, and the rest of the "Do as I say, not as I do bunch."

what a punk. calls an 80 year old woman who is at least 5000 times the person he is- Nasty Pussy. No wonder this punk ass wants to have Trump's baby, he is just as sick and chickenshit as Trump is. I bet he has fantasies about meeting Trump in person and Trump grabs his pussy without asking.