The Yurt is all powerful

no you did not this tone has mostly always existed, save for some idiots that showed up semi recently.
See? This is the kind of stuff I was talking about.

I "respond." You bring me up in all kinds of irrelevant places.

Truly weird, Yurtsie. Truly weird.'re following me around, whereas i merely comment on your hilarious obsessive comments about're being silly about following around and its really embarrassing for you

now, bow down and worship the great yurt who is so powerful he changed the tenor of the board with his arrival :cof1: THIS is 'running all over the board'! This is actually in another forum, and you started a completely unsolicited thread about little ol' me.

I must be deep, deep in that fragile, hackish skin of yours, Yurtsie! THIS is 'running all over the board'! This is actually in another forum, and you started a completely unsolicited thread about little ol' me.

I must be deep, deep in that fragile, hackish skin of yours, Yurtsie!

(betchya wish you could delete this thread now)


actually...i'm quite happy with the thread...your obsessive multiple posts in it are icing on the cake....

now, bow down to the great yurt who changed this board by his immaculate arrival...

lmao...this is a great thread, only someone as obsessed as onceler could think dear ol' yurt is so powerful he could change the tenor of a messageboard

Show me a thread I have started about you. Better yet, show me where I even bring your name up in a thread where I'm not actually responding to you, as you've done dozens of times (you sometimes bring my name up in threads where I haven't even I'm reading, I'm like WTF?, but in a pretty entertained way).

I think you're just an eensy bit confused about who embarassed themselves here. I mean, starting a thread, Yurtsie! But again, you continue to be a wonderful source of comedy.
Damn - just remembered; I did bring you up once, with another poster or 2, but that's because you were one of the few I remembered who really got bananas about that "seepage" argument in the beginning, trying to marginalize the disaster.

Oh well; so that's one, to your creepy dozens that had nothing to do with an actual discussion...
still can't stop your MULTIPLE posts in my thread :cof1:

Can you say

"O - B - S - E - S - S - E - D"


I'll bet'cha can​