Then and now

Couldn't even be bothered to tease it?

Clicking is so hard.

"Sen. Lindsey Graham has been an outspoken defender of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh but he hasn’t always been as receptive to judges who lie oath.

"In 1999, then-Congressman Graham argued on the House floor that judges who are perjurers deserved to be impeached.

"“I have argued to you that when you found that a judge was a perjurer, you couldn’t in good conscience send him back in a courtroom because everybody that came in that courtroom thereafter would have a real serious doubt,” Graham said at the time."

There. Now say something pithy.
Clicking is so hard.

"Sen. Lindsey Graham has been an outspoken defender of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh but he hasn’t always been as receptive to judges who lie oath.

"In 1999, then-Congressman Graham argued on the House floor that judges who are perjurers deserved to be impeached.

"“I have argued to you that when you found that a judge was a perjurer, you couldn’t in good conscience send him back in a courtroom because everybody that came in that courtroom thereafter would have a real serious doubt,” Graham said at the time."

There. Now say something pithy.

Cutting and Pasting is so hard to do isn't it? Used to be you had to tease if you posted a link....but, you and your little but buddy can ignore netiquette, fine, whatever.
Cutting and Pasting is so hard to do isn't it? Used to be you had to tease if you posted a link....but, you and your little but buddy can ignore netiquette, fine, whatever.

Generally when I start a thread based on something that's quoted, I do include a bit of the text. Your pout-rage is noted.