‘Theory of all matter’ physicists among 2023 Breakthrough prize winners


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Two physicists who played a key role in advancing a theory that describes the basis of all matter and a pair of immunologists who developed a pioneering cancer therapy that is currently being investigated as a treatment for autoimmune disease are among the winners of the most lucrative prize in science.

“They also help to give us an understanding of the dynamical processes that may be going on in things like quantum entanglement, which is very important for quantum computing,” Cardy said.

Very cool stuff! Especially given the conversation on the MONAD thread not too long ago about the nature of what matter is. They helped develop the concept of matter being fluctuations of fields rather than explicit "items". Maybe there is no "there" there at the bottom of the stack. Maybe there are no "atoms" or "monads"...it's all just field fluctuations.

Truly weird.
Two physicists who played a key role in advancing a theory that describes the basis of all matter and a pair of immunologists who developed a pioneering cancer therapy that is currently being investigated as a treatment for autoimmune disease are among the winners of the most lucrative prize in science.

“They also help to give us an understanding of the dynamical processes that may be going on in things like quantum entanglement, which is very important for quantum computing,” Cardy said.


Cool! Cypress can drop their names!