Theory on Anti Semitism???


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I hope I don’t get in trouble but I was thinking about this last night after I read Howard sterns vicious comments

I grew up with many Jews . You see perverts like Stern and Harvey W , Jeff Epstein and the most crooked politicians like Adam Schiff and Nadler etc and you can easily deduce that more than half of anti Semitism is the doing of their own actions !!

Very smart people but very questionable morality and ethics
The other part Is clearly jealousy of their success because some are just brilliant like Bezo and Zberg

Guys like Madoff and Larry David is the main reason that the hate exists
I meet Israelis often and some are so vulgar and crude that I don’t know how much more I can support Israel
I hope I don’t get in trouble but I was thinking about this last night after I read Howard sterns vicious comments

I grew up with many Jews . You see perverts like Stern and Harvey W , Jeff Epstein and the most crooked politicians like Adam Schiff and Nadler etc and you can easily deduce that more than half of anti Semitism is the doing of their own actions !!

Very smart people but very questionable morality and ethics
The other part Is clearly jealousy of their success because some are just brilliant like Bezo and Zberg

Guys like Madoff and Larry David is the main reason that the hate exists
I meet Israelis often and some are so vulgar and crude that I don’t know how much more I can support Israel

Why Larry David?
I hope I don’t get in trouble but I was thinking about this last night after I read Howard sterns vicious comments

I grew up with many Jews . You see perverts like Stern and Harvey W , Jeff Epstein and the most crooked politicians like Adam Schiff and Nadler etc and you can easily deduce that more than half of anti Semitism is the doing of their own actions !!

Very smart people but very questionable morality and ethics
The other part Is clearly jealousy of their success because some are just brilliant like Bezo and Zberg

Guys like Madoff and Larry David is the main reason that the hate exists
I meet Israelis often and some are so vulgar and crude that I don’t know how much more I can support Israel

Why hate Larry David? That asshole is funny!
Why hate Larry David? That asshole is funny!

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is da bitch.

Why ?? Because he has made a fortune on making fun of Jews . The average person thinks all of them are vulgar , obnoxious creeps
He has obliterated their image and made a fortune

Humorless Puritans can go fuck themselves so far as I am concerned.
Why ?? Because he has made a fortune on making fun of Jews . The average person thinks all of them are vulgar , obnoxious creeps
He has obliterated their image and made a fortune

By pointing out true things? Wtf?!

It wouldn't be funny if it wasn't true....duh!

Are you a rightist or leftist ant-semite?
I hope I don’t get in trouble but I was thinking about this last night after I read Howard sterns vicious comments

I grew up with many Jews . You see perverts like Stern and Harvey W , Jeff Epstein and the most crooked politicians like Adam Schiff and Nadler etc and you can easily deduce that more than half of anti Semitism is the doing of their own actions !!

Very smart people but very questionable morality and ethics
The other part Is clearly jealousy of their success because some are just brilliant like Bezo and Zberg

Guys like Madoff and Larry David is the main reason that the hate exists
I meet Israelis often and some are so vulgar and crude that I don’t know how much more I can support Israel

If you support Trump you are a scumbag. I don't give a shit about Jews.