There Is A Cure for the Chinese Communist Party Pneumonia—Say No to the CCP(2)


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Severity in China’s Neighboring Countries Varies

Compared with European and American countries, the situations in the areas near mainland China more clearly illustrate the relationship between the epidemic and the CCP.

Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan are all close neighbors of mainland China. The number of people infected in Hong Kong and Taiwan is far less than that of Japan and South Korea. The key difference is their attitudes towards the CCP.

Currently, both Japan and South Korea have more than 10,000 infected people. In Hong Kong and Taiwan, which have closer trade and economic relations with mainland China, the number of confirmed cases is only 1,038 and 429, respectively. Among them, the early cases in Hong Kong were imported from the mainland, and later infected persons include riot police and pro-government personnel. The vast majority of cases in Taiwan are imported from abroad.

Since establishing diplomatic relations with the CCP regime in 1992, South Korea has gradually strengthened its economic and trade relations with the CCP. After the current government came to power, it has moved closer to the CCP and has increased bilateral investment.

Although the relationship between the Japanese government and the CCP is not close, a large number of Japanese companies have invested in China, thereby relying on the CCP and transferring vital resources to it. Japan and the CCP have formed 256 pairs of friendly provincial and municipal relations. Among them, Hokkaido, Tokyo, Aichi Prefecture, Kochi Prefecture, and other regions have serious epidemics of the CCP virus.

Although Hong Kong and Taiwan have extremely close economic and trade relations with the mainland, the people of Hong Kong and Taiwan have not been blinded by their financial interests. In 2019, the people of Hong Kong launched large-scale protests against the CCP’s control and even risked their lives to stand up to it.

The brutal suppression of the Hong Kong protests lay bare the true face of the CCP and awakened the Taiwan people. Voting this January for a pro-free world president showed the determination of the people of Taiwan to keep their distance from the CCP. The results of the presidential election saved Taiwan.

In Taiwan today, the people are not quarantined at home, the economy is not suspended, but the number of infections and deaths is among the lowest in the world. The key to Taiwan’s anti-epidemic success lies in its distrust of the CCP and its refusal to blindly follow the WHO, which is being controlled by the CCP.

The epidemic situation in Hong Kong and Taiwan reveals the secret of the success of epidemic prevention and self-help during the CCP virus pandemic—only by rejecting the CCP can we resist the CCP virus!

An Effective Cure for the CCP Virus

Major plagues always come all of a sudden and then at a certain point disappear without a trace. Historical records show they all have a clear target.

The bubonic plague at the end of the Ming Dynasty was a typical example. The transition from Ming to Qing, also known as the Manchu conquest of China, was a decades-long period of battles between the Qing army, established by the Manchu clan in Northeast China, the Ming army, and the Li Zicheng army, a rebel peasant army.

The bubonic plague in this period of time pointed at the Ming army only, leaving the Qing army and Li Zicheng’s army unaffected.

The Roman Empire was hit by four major plagues. According to historical records, Christians were immune to these plagues, which are considered a punishment imposed on those who had persecuted Christians.

It can be seen that the arrival of a plague is not accidental. The CCP virus epidemic was triggered by the CCP ’s evil crimes and it spread globally due to the CCP ’s concealment. The spreading of the virus shows a clear pattern, which is, it is selectively targeting the CCP and is aimed at eliminating the CCP and those who are pro-communist or who have close ties with the CCP.

All regions that are hard-hit by the virus outside China are those having intimate ties with the CCP, those who have supported the CCP in terms of trade, investment, or helping the CCP improve its international image. Likewise, individuals who have been the CCP’s supporters often find themselves vulnerable to the CCP virus.

In fact, this spreading pattern helps to point out a life-saving path for all nations and people all over the world. It is a path that directly connects to the spiritual side of all beings.

Recently, there are several cases of people recovering from the CCP pneumonia miraculously after they condemned the CCP. Some cases can be found in media reports.

In March, three key politicians of the Vox Party, Spain’s third-largest party, contracted the virus. They are Santiago Abascal, president of Vox, Javier Ortega Smith, secretary general and the second most prominent position in Vox, and Macarena Olona, member of the congress of deputies for Vox.

Amazingly, all three recovered from the CCP pneumonia shortly after they strongly condemned the CCP.

At an EU meeting, Vox actively proposed a resolution against the CCP and WHO. At a domestic parliament session, Vox requested an international investigation into the culpability of the Chinese communist regime.

In February, Connie Brix, a Danish woman, was infected with the CCP virus while traveling in Spain. Her condition worsened in March. After Connie learned about the CCP’s cover-up of the outbreak, she berated the CCP angrily for wreaking havoc on the entire world. Two days later, Connie’s symptoms disappeared and she, too, recovered miraculously.

In mainland China, after a patient was diagnosed with the CCP pneumonia, he denounced the CCP for concealing the epidemic and other evil doings. He then recovered with all symptoms gone completely.

However, he was then deceived by the CCP ’s brainwashing propaganda and thought the CCP’s medical system was his savior, having provided an effective cure. He even felt thankful for the CCP. As a result, the CCP virus returned—he had a relapse and tested positive again.

These true stories tell us that one’s understanding of and attitude toward the CCP will determine whether he or she is immune to the CCP virus. Rejecting and condemning the CCP is an effective cure to the CCP virus.

Conversely, supporting the CCP, endorsing the CCP, or establishing a close partnership with the CCP, will likely invite the CCP virus. Some may even experience a relapse if they choose to side with the CCP.

Everyone longs for peace and health amid a global pandemic. Facing this sudden disaster, the limitations of modern technology and management methods are obvious. Please keep in mind that God has been caring for humanity for thousands of years.

Look up at heaven, uphold your inner goodness, reflect on your actions, and reject the CCP—the representative of the greatest evil. By doing so you will be protected by God. This is the most fundamental protection for mankind.

If someone is unfortunately infected with the CCP virus, we suggest that you sincerely say “down with the CCP demons.” Maybe a miracle will happen.

Staying away from the CCP, condemning the CCP, not supporting the CCP can help any individual, organization, and country alleviate or even avoid the attacks of the CCP virus. They will then embrace a wonderful future.

The pandemic occurred because of the CCP, and the situation will change when people change their attitudes towards the CCP. For various reasons, some people are reluctant to accept and believe in this statement. They are also reluctant to face this serious issue.

Out of concern for the health of mankind and out of a sense of responsibility, we intend to reveal the truth and let more people benefit from it, so they can be free from the pandemic. We hope all kind-hearted people will get through this catastrophe as soon as possible.