There Is A Cure for the Chinese Communist Party Pneumonia—Say No to the CCP


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Editorial: There Is A Cure for the Chinese Communist Party Pneumonia—Say No to the CCP

The Epoch Times Editorial Board
April 26, 2020 Updated: April 27, 2020

This year, the CCP virus (commonly known as the Wuhan virus or the novel coronavirus) spread rapidly while the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) concealed the real situation in China, causing incalculable losses to the world.

The plague seems to be unpredictable, but the way it spreads indicates the virus has a goal and a purpose: it is seeking out the CCP in order to eliminate it and the factors associated with it.

So far, the CCP virus has spread to most countries in the world, with more than 2.6 million people infected and 205,000 dead—assuming one takes at face value the official Chinese death report of 4,642. In fact, many Chinese believe the real death toll is at least ten times the published numbers.

Facing a huge loss of lives and economic devastation, the governments and peoples of various countries urgently need to reflect on the relationship between the plague and the Communist Party, and what individuals and countries should do to avoid the epidemic and to save themselves.

The Communist Party’s dark history is intertwined with war, famine, plague, and death. The Epoch Times editorial series “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” points out that “the essence of communism is an evil specter” whose ultimate goal is to destroy mankind. The CCP is the last representative of the evil specter of communism in the world.

The CCP ’s 70-year tyranny has killed 80 million Chinese people and destroyed traditional Chinese culture and morality. In the past 30 years, from the Tiananmen Square massacre of pro-democratic students in 1989, to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, which began in 1999, to the current suppression and bullying of Chinese people on a larger scale, the CCP’s violence and lies have brought catastrophes to China and the world.

For nearly 40 years, the CCP has used the bait of economic incentives to infiltrate and corrupt other countries. Under the cover of globalization, Confucius Institutes, and the “Belt and Road” initiatives, and through various channels such as politics, economy, culture, education, science and technology, and so on, the CCP has sought to spread the communist ideology, luring people away from the path set by God and to betray God. It thus achieves its ultimate goal of destroying people.

When those countries and regions that are lured by economic interests increased their engagement with the CCP and endorsed it, they did not know that bad fortune tagged along. The path of the CCP virus as it has spread around the world goes through the countries, cities, organizations, and individuals that are closely related to the CCP.

New York City the Hotspot

As of April 23, according to data from the Johns Hopkins University statistics website, there were more than 840,000 confirmed cases and more than 40,000 deaths in the United States. The number of confirmed cases in New York State accounts for one-third of the national total, and the number of deaths accounts for nearly half.

Ever since President Nixon ’s visit to China in 1972, the United States has provided critical support to the CCP in various forms in the fields of politics, military affairs, diplomacy, economics, finance, education, and science and technology. Later, when the United States helped China to become a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), it gave the CCP access to the international community and caused huge amounts of Western wealth to be transferred to China, making China the “world’s factory.”

American political circles and think tanks believe that the United States has built China up and enriched the CCP. The reevaluation of what stance to take toward the CCP and subsequent policy changes have only happened in the last few years.

Without the help of the United States, and without the support of so many multinational companies, high-tech giants, and large financial groups, the CCP could not quickly have developed from a regime on the verge of economic collapse to an emerging hegemon capable of challenging the United States.

As the world’s number one metropolis, New York City is the global center for the economy, finance, commerce, and media. It also has a great influence on global politics, education, and entertainment. It is also the location of the United Nations headquarters. In view of its special status and influence, the city of New York has played a major role in helping the CCP to achieve its agendas and advance its interests.

Wall Street, which represents American financial capital, has “transfused blood” to the CCP for many years and has become the behind the curtains financier helping the Chinese Communist regime prolong its life.

By infiltrating New York’s economy, finance, commerce, media, culture, education, Chinese-American community, and other fields, the CCP has channeled wealth and technology back to China. While exporting its ideology and abuse of human rights to the world, it has attempted to seize world leadership and challenge the United States.

These factors have made New York a major target of attack by the CCP virus.

Devastating Situation in Iran

The CCP considers Iran an intimate comrade-in-arms. While the official epidemic figures from Iran are not as high as some other Western countries, analysts believe Iran’s figures of confirmed cases and death toll must have been greatly underreported. Similar to the CCP, Iran is an authoritarian regime that has likely concealed the true scale in an attempt to “maintain social order.”

Many high-ranking Iranian officials have been infected and many have died as a result, including Iran’s first Vice President and the deputy health minister.

The CCP has been supporting Iran for years, offering economic aid and weapons. It has even provided key nuclear weapon technology to Iran in order to threaten and constrain democratic countries.

In the past ten years, the CCP also made huge investments in Iran, becoming Iran’s largest trading partner. The CCP openly violated sanctions on Iran and imported a large amount of oil from it.

For the Belt and Road Initiative, which the CCP launched in 2013 to export communist hegemony, Iran is an important geographical and strategic hub from which the CCP can penetrate Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Countries in Europe

Besides China and Iran, of states with higher numbers of cases (5,000 or more), Spain has the highest relative number (355 per 100,000 people), where 200,000 people were infected and 20,000 died. Three close relatives of Prime Minister Sanchez and the deputy prime minister of the cabinet have been infected.

The severe epidemic sent a strong warning to Spain that the government’s pro-communist policies have brought misfortune to the country.

Spain was the first EU country to make friendly gestures to the CCP after the Tiananmen Square massacre on June 4, 1989.

Prime Minister Sanchez chose to build closer relationships with the CCP after taking office in 2018. Not only did he re-confirm Spain’s “strategic partnership” with it, but also praised the CCP’s Belt and Road initiative. When the CCP was criticized by various countries for concealing the epidemic, Sanchez still repeatedly expressed support for it.

Italy is the hardest hit area in Europe.

The root cause of its being hit hard by the CCP virus is due to the intimate relationship between the Italian government and the CCP.

Italy is a member of the G7, a developed and democratic country. Despite the opposition of its Western allies, it formed an alliance with the CCP in March 2019 to “strengthen a comprehensive strategic partnership.” Italy is also the first EU country to sign onto the CCP’s Belt and Road initiative.

Italy has 74 sister cities with communist China, including Lombardy, the city with the highest number of infections and deaths, and cities such as Milan, Venice, and Bergamo.

Major European countries such as Britain, France, and Germany are now also caught in the CCP virus. People have suffered huge losses, and even the British prime minister has been infected.

One thing these countries have in common is that they have been “close to” the CCP in recent years. For instance, the CCP wants to use Huawei 5G to infiltrate the world, but Britain, France, and Germany have ignored U.S. warnings and given the company a green light.

The regions with the worst outbreaks in these countries—London, Oise, France, and North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany—have also forged friendly relations with the Chinese Communist Party.

When the pandemic hit the world, the experiences of European countries sounded the alarm to the world.[Read more in next post or PDF]