there is a ghost in my house


on indefiniate mod break
not joking. ._.

rumbling sounds, footsteps on our stairs, a bunch of stuff randomly fell off a shelf today in a closed closet.

it's likely watching me type this right now.

f u ghost.
Ghosts are caused by Chuck Norris killing people faster than death can process them.

On a real note, my ma hit a ghost with her car about 20 years ago. Craziest story I've ever heard (except for the ones I've recorded myself).
εxoendo;570144 said:
not joking. ._.

rumbling sounds, footsteps on our stairs, a bunch of stuff randomly fell off a shelf today in a closed closet.

it's likely watching me type this right now.

f u ghost.

I once had a tenant of Asian descent who brought a Tibetan monk in from the state of Washington to bless his new home.....the monk told him the house had an evil spirit so he refused to move in.....he paid rent until I found a new tenant, rented another home and flew the monk back to check on that one.....have never had any other tenants complain about the property.....have always figured the monk had picked this guy for a double dip.....

I do have a client though who has a property where three tenants in a row have mentioned they thought it was haunted.......
εxoendo;570144 said:
not joking. ._.

rumbling sounds, footsteps on our stairs, a bunch of stuff randomly fell off a shelf today in a closed closet.

it's likely watching me type this right now.

f u ghost.
Sweet. Do the Paranormal Activity thing.
Get a camera and start taping your eventual fall into total possession and the killing of your significant other!
Parents house has a ghost. Lots of weird things happened when I was a kid. Child's voice upstairs when all us kids were downstairs in the same room, cabinents opening, footfalls on the staircase. etc.
Certainly when you guys say "had a ghost" your being farcical right? You guys are too intelligent to believe in ghosts. Maybe my skepto-meter is just too sensitive these days...
εxoendo;570144 said:
not joking. ._.

rumbling sounds, footsteps on our stairs, a bunch of stuff randomly fell off a shelf today in a closed closet.

it's likely watching me type this right now.

f u ghost.

It can't be a ghost, you don't believe in the afterlife...hate to say it, but you got rats or some such vermin.