There is absolutely no such thing as magic.

Part Multi 313

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Its amazing what people believe. I dont want to sound like an ass about it but damn I do not want to deal with these kooks and nutcases that have some sort of religious belief in magic, not anymore. I have been forced to constantly deal with them for most of my life and guess what, they were never once invited! I dont even want to be reminded of this stupid idea. You gotta be a special kind of dumb to actually truly believe in real magic. People have used words like "god" and "magic" to describe everything they did not understand for thousands of years. This "magic" thing is merely leftovers from the cro-magnon era. You cant make someone believe something and truthfully the harder you push the more they will resist.

I do not believe in magic, I never have believed in magic and I will never believe in magic. Does anyone here truly believe in magic?
Its amazing what people believe. I dont want to sound like an ass about it but damn I do not want to deal with these kooks and nutcases that have some sort of religious belief in magic, not anymore. I have been forced to constantly deal with them for most of my life and guess what, they were never once invited! I dont even want to be reminded of this stupid idea. You gotta be a special kind of dumb to actually truly believe in real magic. People have used words like "god" and "magic" to describe everything they did not understand for thousands of years. This "magic" thing is merely leftovers from the cro-magnon era. You cant make someone believe something and truthfully the harder you push the more they will resist.

I do not believe in magic, I never have believed in magic and I will never believe in magic. Does anyone here truly believe in magic?
I never believed in magic until I met my wife.
There's nothing you can say or do to change the truth. Dont let privacy invading personality cults influence your life. Speak for yourself, not through other people. Thats all I gotta say.