That fucking shock jock Sid Rosenberg in New York really, really needs a good beat down.
I'm so sick of his fucking right wing drivel.
Somebody really needs to sleep with the "fishes" in the East River but it would only pollute it even further.
There is no left wing left in the USA
wonderful news.....thanks for sharing.....
The left wing was against STUPID wars.
There's nothing left wing about capitulating to monsters.
We were late to WWII--we waited for them to attack us and it cost us.
Now we're late for WWIII. I say, get it the fuck over with.
There should be forum just for people to post videos. No one watches them.
The left wing was against STUPID wars.
There's nothing left wing about capitulating to monsters.
We were late to WWII--we waited for them to attack us and it cost us.
Now we're late for WWIII. I say, get it the fuck over with.
There should be forum just for people to post videos. No one watches them.
That's what they said in Nazi Germany.
everyone watches them.
they're a big hit.
you're just pissed that evil has lost control of:
Is this your plan for that? Just curious...
I've already lived my life. I'm not afraid of anything. We could have global kumbaya and I'm going to die soon anyway.
But we don't have global kumbaya and Biden is turning into Neville Chamberlain.