There is no left wing left in the USA

That fucking shock jock Sid Rosenberg in New York really, really needs a good beat down.
I'm so sick of his fucking right wing drivel.

Somebody really needs to sleep with the "fishes" in the East River but it would only pollute it even further.

Who the fuck is that mouthy schifosa on this video?

Neville Chamberlain would win in a landslide if he were around and eligible to run for POTUS.
We've become a real nation of pussies.
That fucking shock jock Sid Rosenberg in New York really, really needs a good beat down.
I'm so sick of his fucking right wing drivel.

Somebody really needs to sleep with the "fishes" in the East River but it would only pollute it even further.

The left wing was against STUPID wars.
There's nothing left wing about capitulating to monsters.

We were late to WWII--we waited for them to attack us and it cost us.
Now we're late for WWIII. I say, get it the fuck over with.
The left wing was against STUPID wars.
There's nothing left wing about capitulating to monsters.

We were late to WWII--we waited for them to attack us and it cost us.
Now we're late for WWIII. I say, get it the fuck over with.

Is this your plan for that? Just curious...

There is no left wing left in the USA

There's a huge left wing in America, the problem is that most people lamenting the lack of a left wing aren't really left wingers, they're totalitarians and that makes them right wingers.
Hedges almost says that the Failed Elite Class has figured out that China is coming to clean our clocks, and he might be right, but they are too incompetent and it is too late to do anything about it.

America is crumbling.
The left wing was against STUPID wars.
There's nothing left wing about capitulating to monsters.

We were late to WWII--we waited for them to attack us and it cost us.
Now we're late for WWIII. I say, get it the fuck over with.


You became the right wing monster you claimed to hate, poopy-bottom.
