There is No Pandemic

Pleasure in unrighteousness means you take joy in the loss of jobs, the spousal abuse and child abuse that’s been rampant across the land by virtue of tyranny from leftists who deny God’s existence.

Working of error means that God has anointed you to be reprobates.
You’ve crossed the line of decency and humanity by your love for the BLM burnin lootin and murderin in the name of orange man bad

There is no virtue in your lives. None. At all. Because you’ve allowed the mask to replace the smile of joy. Because you have no joy. Only envy and strife and hatred for your fellow man, you have no smile no joy only hatred and murder in your hearts.

There is a pandemic but the management of that Pandemic has been some combination of stunningly incompetent and is part of the "Burn America down so that UTOPIA can spring from the ashes" plan.

And No, I am not talking about Trump, he did a pretty fine job with the pandemic....his big mistake was trusting the experts.

As for all of these cunts who are fine with Martial law, who refuse to defend the Constitution, Fuck You!
If only. One can dream and I wish this was over. I've already exhausted a lot of funds trying to stay safe and stay busy. Even as a very introverted homebody, I'm fed up and not just with COVID.
If only. One can dream and I wish this was over. I've already exhausted a lot of funds trying to stay safe and stay busy. Even as a very introverted homebody, I'm fed up and not just with COVID.

Maybe one day you will get around to holding those who bungled this pandemic accountable...... and no I dont mean Trump mostly.... I mean the experts and the states and Congress and the Tech Overlords, and the Mind Molders (nee journalists), and the courts.....we should probably too work in the Historians who I never once heard say "Excuse me, this is not how pandemics are done, our ancestors had so much experience with this sort of thing, they left instructions...THIS IS DUMB!".

I heard someone today call the general pandemic response here as "Suicide of the West".