there is still hope for millennials.......


fully immersed in faith..
a recent study has concluded that one does not actually become an adult until their thirties......

People don't become 'adults' until their 30s, say scientists

now I know........some of you think that is a change from what we historically knew to be true.......but we can't be sure until millennials turn 49......if we then have a study that says people don't become adults until they are fifty we might have a glimpse of the true problem.......
a recent study has concluded that one does not actually become an adult until their thirties......

now I know........some of you think that is a change from what we historically knew to be true.......but we can't be sure until millennials turn 49......if we then have a study that says people don't become adults until they are fifty we might have a glimpse of the true problem.......

It's really not a millennial thing. It's more like a gender thing. You know how women say it's their prerogative to change their mind? We'll the male corollary is that we don't have to grow up if we don't want to.