APP - there may be arsenic in your brown rice and brown rice products

That means the aresenic content would be around 60 per BILLION. There's not really a lot of scientific evidence that exposure to arsenic at this level would have a significant physiological affect, let alone a toxic one. There are some studies that show a link from long term exposure to arsenic at this level (50 to 100 ppb) to some forms of cancer but;

#1. This is from long term exposure, i.e. consuming a product or drining water at this leve of contamination every day for years.
#2. The studies are not conclusive in regards to the link to some forms of cancer.
#3. The current Safe Drinking Water Act standards of 10 ppb is, pardon the phrase, an over kill level of protection.

In other words, If your going to consume these products occasionally....I wouldn't worry about the arsenic. Even if you consume this product every day the risk are marginal at worst and non-existent at best. Not that I have a problem with a regulatory limit for Arsenic contamination in food.
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That means the aresenic content would be around 60 per BILLION. There's not really a lot of scientific evidence that exposure to arsenic at this level would have a significant physiological affect, let alone a toxic one. There are some studies that show a link from long term exposure to arsenic at this level (50 to 100 ppb) to some forms of cancer but;

#1. This is from long term exposure, i.e. consuming a product or drining water at this leve of contamination every day for years.
#2. The studies are not conclusive in regards to the link to some forms of cancer.
#3. The current Safe Drinking Water Act standards of 10 ppb is, pardon the phrase, an over kill level of protection.

In other words, If your going to consume these products occasionally....I wouldn't worry about the arsenic. Even if you consume this product every day the risk are marginal at worst and non-existent at best. Not that I have a problem with a regulatory limit for Arsenic contamination in food.

the real problem exists in products that are made from brown rice that are forms of concentrate of brown rice - please read the entire article