APP - There really is karma in the world

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Every time I read another story about the tragedy of Benghazi, I am saddened by the loss, but heartened to know that it was the complete undoing of one of the most corrupt politicians to ever grace the American political landscape.

I truly wish Hillary lives a long, lucid life so that she never forgets that her traitorous, neglectful acts during that terrorist attack kept her from her highest ambition which is to be President of the United States.

I will be forever grateful to President Trump for kicking her to the waste dump of political history.

Her lack of actions during the terrorist attack and lies afterward are nothing more than treasonous.

Just think. Had she acted more honorably and faithfully discharged her duties as Secretary of State instead of treating it like a money laundering business for the Clinton Foundation, Chris Stevens would be alive today and she might be President.

Had it not been for her lies, there would have been no Benghazi investigation. Had their been no Benghazi investigation, Trey Gowdy may never have discovered Hillary's illegal server. Had her illegal server not been discovered, she might be President today.

I love you karma
Just think. Had she acted more honorably and faithfully discharged her duties as Secretary of State instead of treating it like a money laundering business for the Clinton Foundation, Chris Stevens would be alive today and she might be President.

House Benghazi committee files final report and shuts down

Dec 12, 2016
The special congressional investigation into the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi is officially over now that the panel filed its final report the day before the House adjourned for the year.
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It severely criticized military, CIA and Obama administration officials for their response as the attacks unfolded and their subsequent explanations to the American people. It accused the government of incompetence at various levels, including a failure to deploy needed military assets, CIA intelligence reports that were “rife with errors,” and misguided planning even in the midst of the violence. The report did not single out wrongdoing by then-secretary of State Hillary Clinton, although some Republicans on the panel alleged that overall concern for her political future influenced and hampered some of the decision-making surrounding policy in Libya.
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Gowdy on Monday called the report the “final, definitive accounting” of the Benghazi attacks. Democrats contended all along that the committee was a political effort to taint Clinton, an allegation that got some traction when House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., told Fox News that because of the committee, "her numbers are dropping."

Looks like it worked.
So glad she was denied power.

I heard she is going t run again in 2020.

Will all the JPP DEMOCRATS who pretend she's "history" and "not relevant anymore" flock to her?