There Should Be A Statute Of Limitation On Conduct


Verified User
The Northam flap is getting ridiculous. Just about every crime has a statute of limitations. Northam did not commit a crime 34 years ago, yet there is no limitation on his conduct:

“Even as Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is backtracking from Friday’s apology for appearing in a 1984 yearbook photo featuring someone in black face and another wearing a KKK-style hood and robe, . . .”

NOTE: There is a plus side to Northam’s media lynching. The conduct of today’s race hustlers can be punished decades from now.

Northam’s unforgivable display of bad manners is that he refused:

“. . . to shake hands on television with a black candidate.”

'Coonman' Northam refused to shake hands with black man
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 02/02/2019 @ 4:38 pm

I do not know Northam’s motive, but I never shake hands with anybody. I have been doing the bump for many years. Tough-shit to the handshakers if they do not like it regardless of how long pressing-the-flesh has been practiced.

Handshakers always have to demonstrate how strong they are. The shorter they are, the tighter they squeeze. Shaking a mighty midget’s hand would have been doubly painful for me after I got a touch of arthritis in my hands.

Incidentally, has anybody pointed out that media mouths will not give up until they replace a white governor with a black lieutenant governor? More importantly, you can be certain the politically correct police will never drive a Muslim man out of office because he refused to shake a woman’s hand:

"The success of the integration process is hindered by the disproportionate number of non-natives involved in criminality and trouble-making, by men who refuse to shake hands with women, by burqas and separate courses for women on citizenship.

From the left, a call to end the current Dutch notion of tolerance
By John Vinocur
Published: December 29, 2008

Back when the fist-butt was catching on I remember thinking that it was a clear sign of an underground movement waiting for a charismatic leader to get it up and running. Maybe Northam is the guy!

While handshaking is still the most ubiquitous greeting around the world, it may be losing ground in the US. The fist bump was, until recently, a gesture mostly used by athletes and young people. Now it’s becoming more and more common among everyone, including older people. Even the President of the United States is a fan of the fist bump. According to one survey, forty nine percent of Americans sometimes choose the fist bump over a traditional handshake greeting. The fist bump, made by making a fist and lightly touching knuckles, may be a more fashionable greeting, but for many it’s a pragmatic choice. Many survey participants said they preferred the fist bump because they were afraid of catching germs by shaking hands. How do people greet each other in your country? Is the fist bump catching on where you live?

Finally, I was never a believer in the handshake. Even as a kid I knew there was no better way to catch a disease than through the pores of my palms:


There should never be a statute of limitations on the crime of infanticide. Northam should be punished for infanticide:

Here’s Northam on Wednesday:

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam said in a WTOP interview.

In other words, it permits infanticide. Northam, by the way, is a pediatric neurologist.

February 3, 2019
Virginia Governor Northam's Samba
By Clarice Feldman

Northam should not be punished for an invented crime:

Racism is an invented sin; a twentieth century crime invented by sharpshooters, race hustlers, do gooders and religious fanatics. Racism is an invented sin that became a crime. Hear me out on this before labeling me a racist.

There is no mention of racism in the text of any of the major religions, or laws, judicial systems, cultures, or anywhere else. Not one religious leader, philosopher, or political thinker ever heard about racism before the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century for one very good reason. RACISM DID NOT EXIST until it appeared when it was invented by race hustlers and dirty little moralists decades after the American Civil War ended.
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You gotta' love public sentiment!

All you people be sure to post some last minute personal opinions.

But, we all know how this is going to end.

The governor knows he can't out run public sentiment.

He'll resign in just hours from now- probably by Monday afternoon!

Then we can all get back on the real story- The rise and fall of Donald Trump- his cronies and his ass-kissers too! LOL!