APP - There will be no justice until these Deep Staters go to prison or are hanged



So it appears that there is evidence that Mueller the supposed boy scout has fudged 302s to fit his narrative. They were creating them out of whole cloth. The great thing about liars is that they will usually trip up over their lies.

Every person in the GIF in my signature needs to go to prison. Comey chief among them. They have all committed crimes against this country. One wonders how many other unsuspecting saps have been caught up in DOJ/FBI wrong doing.

It is time to dismantle the FBI. Gut it completely. It is a corrupt, evil institution that never gets anything right.

Well, I am off to stock up on more ammunition. I want to be ready for the coming civil war.

So it appears that there is evidence that Mueller the supposed boy scout has fudged 302s to fit his narrative. They were creating them out of whole cloth. The great thing about liars is that they will usually trip up over their lies.

Every person in the GIF in my signature needs to go to prison. Comey chief among them. They have all committed crimes against this country. One wonders how many other unsuspecting saps have been caught up in DOJ/FBI wrong doing.

It is time to dismantle the FBI. Gut it completely. It is a corrupt, evil institution that never gets anything right.

Well, I am off to stock up on more ammunition. I want to be ready for the coming civil war.

Such is the reason that Trump is letting this charade churn on and on and on. They have nothing on him and will eventually churn themselves into butter.
The entire Investigation was a setup designed by Obama with Comey, Loretta Lynch and Brennan, strozok and Paige were comey tools. The intent was to protect hillary get trump for anything and assure Hillarys win.

The mueller investigation came after because the first coup failed. The entire thing has been a setup from day one.

But just like Harry Reid was told use the nuke option and it will come back to haunt you.

What the dems have done to trump and Kavanaugh and their entire demeanor since trump was elected and liberals on forums and their rhetoric and behavior will all come back to kick them in the ass