"there’s no universal truth."

So what’s most exciting to you right now about your work in A.I.? I’m excited about value pluralism, the fact that value is not singular.

Another way to put it is that there’s no universal truth. A lot of people feel uncomfortable about this. As scientists, we’re trained to be very precise and strive for one truth. Now I’m thinking, well, there’s no universal truth — can birds fly or not?

A surprising statement from a researcher in Artificial Intelligence. Worth discussing. The interview:

"I’m excited about value pluralism, the fact that value is not singular. Another way to put it is that there’s no universal truth. A lot of people feel uncomfortable about this. As scientists, we’re trained to be very precise and strive for one truth."

Only about 5% of the population is capable of understanding universal truths.
Only about 5% of the population is capable of understanding universal truths.
Universal truths, are there 7, 12 or 100? Who disseminates these truths? Is there a secret handshake, too? I always love to hear about people’s secret clubs.
Universal truths, are there 7, 12 or 100? Who disseminates these truths? Is there a secret handshake, too? I always love to hear about people’s secret clubs.
Philosophy, critical thinking, virtue. We all mourn so there is at least one universal truth.
Smiling also means different things in different cultures, so I don’t think the meaning of a smile is the same universally.

When you look at old photos of people, they rarely are smiling. Maybe they were unhappy the process took a long time.
But maybe the convention of smiling for a photo was not common as we hold it today.
When you look at old photos of people, they rarely are smiling. Maybe they were unhappy the process took a long time.
But maybe the convention of smiling for a photo was not common as we hold it today.

Have you ever seen a smiling Indian in a picture, especially with their family? (India) And that's today.