There's nothing more frightening in America today than an angry White man

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The Brute. The Buck. And, of course, the Thug.

Those are just some of the names for a racial stereotype that has haunted the collective imagination of White America since the nation's inception.
The specter of the angry Black man has been evoked in politics and popular culture to convince White folks that a big, bad Black man is coming to get them and their daughters.

I've seen viral videos of innocent Black men losing their lives because of this stereotype. I've watched White people lock their car doors or clutch their purses when men who look like me approach. I've been racially profiled.
It's part of the psychological tax you pay for being a Black man in America -- learning to accept that you are seen by many as Public Enemy No. 1.

It's not the "radical Islamic terrorist" that I fear the most. Nor is it the brown immigrant or the fiery Black Lives Matter protester, or whatever the latest bogeyman is that some politician tells me I should dread.
The Brute. The Buck. And, of course, the Thug.

Those are just some of the names for a racial stereotype that has haunted the collective imagination of White America since the nation's inception.
The specter of the angry Black man has been evoked in politics and popular culture to convince White folks that a big, bad Black man is coming to get them and their daughters.

I've seen viral videos of innocent Black men losing their lives because of this stereotype. I've watched White people lock their car doors or clutch their purses when men who look like me approach. I've been racially profiled.
It's part of the psychological tax you pay for being a Black man in America -- learning to accept that you are seen by many as Public Enemy No. 1.

It's not the "radical Islamic terrorist" that I fear the most. Nor is it the brown immigrant or the fiery Black Lives Matter protester, or whatever the latest bogeyman is that some politician tells me I should dread.

Actually Guno there is something more frightening, its his wife/girlfriend, ie the Karens....these bitches would never have gotten a Kyle bullet, but the white man did. Slavery was prolonged thanks to white women, a lot of these white supremacist groups, are void of ww cause they all with black men and these wm are single/ horney and pissed. 99% of those white clowns that stormed the capital, all single and livng with they mama's.
stereotypes........what a crock

The Brute. The Buck. And, of course, the Thug.

Those are just some of the names for a racial stereotype that has haunted the collective imagination of White America since the nation's inception.
The specter of the angry Black man has been evoked in politics and popular culture to convince White folks that a big, bad Black man is coming to get them and their daughters.

I've seen viral videos of innocent Black men losing their lives because of this stereotype. I've watched White people lock their car doors or clutch their purses when men who look like me approach. I've been racially profiled.
It's part of the psychological tax you pay for being a Black man in America -- learning to accept that you are seen by many as Public Enemy No. 1.

It's not the "radical Islamic terrorist" that I fear the most. Nor is it the brown immigrant or the fiery Black Lives Matter protester, or whatever the latest bogeyman is that some politician tells me I should dread.

I remember during the riots last year, a friend commented about how mainly "the blacks" were looting and destroying stores across the country. Sure, you'd see an occasional white guy get in on the action but, for the most part, it was blacks. Another friend took offense, and said it wasn't just blacks. But when challenged, that second friend couldn't produce a single video clip that showed looting being committed by a predominantly white mob. The mob that was rioting and looting was, each and every time, predominantly black.

That's when it's no longer a stereotype.

When I see a a video of some black thug punching an elderly Asian woman or beating up an old white man on a bus, it incenses me. It angers me not only because of the act itself, but because of how silent blacks remain regarding it and, if they choose not to be silent about it, they make excuses for it.

The violent nature of blacks isn't a stereotype. It's reality. A single black man isn't much of a threat, as he'll turn tail and run before any sort of physical engagement with someone who's able to handle himself. It's when blacks start to roam in packs that they become a concern, and that concern is justified given what the history of blacks in society is...
That Black Supremacist in Wisconsin that killed all those people at the White Parade sure looked 'angry'.
I hate to say this, but don't nobody but bi polar ww want to be with white men..... a slightly damaged vibrator has a better chance of entering a ww, than a wm and that's only if your a OB/GYN doctor....just sayin

hey, it's all going to be ok, bro......lots of other black men also have micro penis. I hear there's a support group you can join. good luck