APP - These are my people... Americans

What kind of person finds this video objectionable? Seriously, you should ask yourself that question, whoever you are. Unbelieveable that someone would check the not useful button. Talk about outing yourself as a partisan jackass!
the racist liberals ignored this thread bigtime!! LOL

Meanwhile, they continue to construct their strawmen. You know what? Only their pointy headed brethren still buy their product. The independent voter sees the tea party as their brothers and sisters. The liberals are becoming seen as the arrogant brat who's had his silver spoon taken from his slobbering mouth.

LOL fuck you JPP liberals

Hope you all go to hell
What kind of person finds this video objectionable? Seriously, you should ask yourself that question, whoever you are. Unbelieveable that someone would check the not useful button. Talk about outing yourself as a partisan jackass!

Its just Watermark. I'm sure you understand... :clink:
He's a black supporter of racists. He's not a black man anymore once he decided to put his hat in with anti-American racist terrorists. He's a traitor.
ZOMG?! How dare you downvote me?!

Stop being a piece of shit and I'll stop downvoting you. Tea partiers are racist. He's a racist traitor, and no, he's not an American, neither are you. The founders would've strung you up from a tree and spat on you.
what has always bothered me aboit that tape is where is the rest of it , what else did he have to say and why did they cut the tape so short.
what has always bothered me aboit that tape is where is the rest of it , what else did he have to say and why did they cut the tape so short.

there you go with "the context"

STFU racist asshole

If this was a Fox news reporter, what would you think,you partisan hack?
What could the guy have possibly said that would make a difference in the reporter asking him questions about his race and because of his race?
what has always bothered me aboit that tape is where is the rest of it , what else did he have to say and why did they cut the tape so short.

And how about when she says "there aren't a lot of African-Americans..." and he smiles and says "no". Yet Tea Party supporters claim they're well-represented.
what has always bothered me aboit that tape is where is the rest of it , what else did he have to say and why did they cut the tape so short.
Actually, I'll try to find it, somebody posted a video that had like 5 or so interviews like this, this guy was one of them and you hear his whole interview.
Actually, I'll try to find it, somebody posted a video that had like 5 or so interviews like this, this guy was one of them and you hear his whole interview.

It would appear that evince is just looking for anything, AND I DO MEAN ANYTHING, that she can use as ammunition.