These are the all-time coldest temperatures ever recorded in each state


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As an arctic blast is set to bring bitterly cold temperatures to much of the U.S. through Christmas weekend, you might be wondering how low the temperature has ever gotten in your state.

All but one of the 50 states have documented a temperature below zero, with Hawaii being the sole outlier having only dipped as low as 12 degrees. Nearly a dozen states have plunged to minus 50 degrees or colder.

The map below shows the all-time record high in each state, according to data from NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information.

January and February comprise the coldest time of the year for the majority of the U.S., so it should come as no surprise that's when most of the all-time records were achieved. However, there are a few exceptions to the rule.

From the interweb.

Disruptions to the North Atlantic jet stream, caused by climate change, will have drastic weather-related consequences. New research provides insights into how the position and intensity of the North Atlantic jet stream has changed during the past 1,250 years.


The jet stream is supposed to keep the artic air up by the Canadian border.