APP - They are not telling the truth about Ginsberg


And as usual the incurious Democrat Media Industrial Complex doesn’t inquire or ask serious questions. Her disease is much more advanced and serious than we are being told

Let’s review a few facts based on reporting

1) On November 8th it was reported that Ginsberg fell in her office and broke three ribs on November 7th
2) On December 21st we are told that Ginsberg had two cancerous tumors in her left lung removed but that the cancer hasn’t spread. They say the nodes showed up on X-rays from her broken ribs.

How do I know they are being less than honest? Simple. What they described is not how anyone with lung cancer is treated.

Let’s assume that they are telling the truth about the nodes being found on X-ray as it is a highly plausible story.

Under no circumstances would they have gone from X-ray to surgery AND wait a month and a half to do it. In that intervening time they would have done a biopsy and sent it off to pathology. Pathology can take days to weeks to come back with a report.

The way this is being reported makes it sound like right after the surgery they determined she had cancerous lesions and don’t talk about pathology. Now they do not tell us exactly when the surgery occurred either. They don’t tell us the stage of the cancer. They don’t tell us if she received radiation or chemo prior to surgery to shrink the tumors.

What they want us to believe is that an 85 year old woman with a medical history of two prior cancers has now been surgically treated and cured for lung cancer?

Something just doesn’t add up. It would not surprise me if she makes a surprise ammouncement about retiring and is dead within a year or less.
Let me add some more context for why I believe Ginsberg is in worse shape than they are reporting

She has lung cancer. Now the lung cancer is either a primary cancer OR it is metastasis.

Given that Ginsberg doesn’t have a history of smoking BUT does have a history of colon cancer AND pancreatic cancer I would say that the odds are good that this is due to metastasis

Also, the reports make it sound like she just had a couple of moles removed. She just had a partial lobectomy. That is a major surgery for anyone let alone an 85 year old woman
Ginsberg will not finish out this term of the Supreme Court

She voted with Roberts from her hospital bed. How is that even allowed? Congressman have to be present.
One other aspect of Ginsberg health to consider is her mental acuity. Along with the lungs, the brain is a very common organ for cancers to metastasis to. Odds are her judgement is being impacted as well. It could also have been the reason for her fall

Just last week she said he health was fine. She was lying because this lobectomy had to be scheduled a while ago.

The media will get a black eye for covering these lies. They are worse than Pravda now as they cover for the Deep State
And as usual the incurious Democrat Media Industrial Complex doesn’t inquire or ask serious questions. Her disease is much more advanced and serious than we are being told

Let’s review a few facts based on reporting

1) On November 8th it was reported that Ginsberg fell in her office and broke three ribs on November 7th
2) On December 21st we are told that Ginsberg had two cancerous tumors in her left lung removed but that the cancer hasn’t spread. They say the nodes showed up on X-rays from her broken ribs.

How do I know they are being less than honest? Simple. What they described is not how anyone with lung cancer is treated.

Let’s assume that they are telling the truth about the nodes being found on X-ray as it is a highly plausible story.

Under no circumstances would they have gone from X-ray to surgery AND wait a month and a half to do it. In that intervening time they would have done a biopsy and sent it off to pathology. Pathology can take days to weeks to come back with a report.

The way this is being reported makes it sound like right after the surgery they determined she had cancerous lesions and don’t talk about pathology. Now they do not tell us exactly when the surgery occurred either. They don’t tell us the stage of the cancer. They don’t tell us if she received radiation or chemo prior to surgery to shrink the tumors.

What they want us to believe is that an 85 year old woman with a medical history of two prior cancers has now been surgically treated and cured for lung cancer?

Something just doesn’t add up. It would not surprise me if she makes a surprise ammouncement about retiring and is dead within a year or less.

if you remember I posted an article (i think back in august) about ginsberg wanting to retire in january 2019, and that is one reason why the left went completely batshit insane over kavanaugh... there are rumors circulating around.

I don't know what she gets out of lying about this though. If she's going to quit soon, she'll quit. Perhaps it's possible she wants to wait out the rest of her term. She also obv probably doesn't want to hand a seat to trump, but I think (and I can't know this) that everyone has a point in their life where they need to look out for #1. Ginsberg has done about as much as she would have wanted in her life, isn't there any value for having a quiet few healthy years with your family before you die? rather than being in the circus until the moment of death? Is that good for her health?
I would have thought leftists would be more concerned about her failing health. Guess they don’t care? Or they are happy to believe the lies they are being told

lets be fair to liberals, if we had one of our bros on the supreme court and hillary clinton had a crack at appointing some communist, we'd want them to hang on for dear life too. I don't blame her for fighting, I just want her to go.
if you remember I posted an article (i think back in august) about ginsberg wanting to retire in january 2019, and that is one reason why the left went completely batshit insane over kavanaugh... there are rumors circulating around.

I don't know what she gets out of lying about this though. If she's going to quit soon, she'll quit. Perhaps it's possible she wants to wait out the rest of her term. She also obv probably doesn't want to hand a seat to trump, but I think (and I can't know this) that everyone has a point in their life where they need to look out for #1. Ginsberg has done about as much as she would have wanted in her life, isn't there any value for having a quiet few healthy years with your family before you die? rather than being in the circus until the moment of death? Is that good for her health?

I do remember you posting that. Hopefully you have it in standby for a good grave dig when if she does call it quits in January.

I think there are two reasons she and the left were mum on her health

1) they weren’t going to do anything during the mid terms that might fire up conservatives with regards to the Supreme Court. Especially coming off of the democrat party’s Kavanaugh debacle. They didn’t need the spectacle of a repeat in voters minds as they headed to the polls. They also know that the Supreme Court drove a lot of people to vote for Trump and they didn’t want to take a chance on a repeat

2) The reason Ginsberg isn’t going quietly is legacy. Remember for these statists it is all in how they are remembered. The last thing Ginsberg wants is to be replaced by Trump. Especially after the things she said about him in the past. If she leaves now she will only be remembered for NOT retiring when Obama could have replaced her. She will no longer be Notorious RGB being hailed on SNL, she will be Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the Brett Favre of the Supreme Court who didn’t know when to quit

I do know this. If you end up right about her retiring in January (and I hope you are), you will be insufferable. I look forward to it
It is amazing how blasé people are being about someone who is 85 years old, with a history of pancreatic and colon cancer being diagnosed with lung cancer.