They are still in office


Pocket lint
Lionfish is making up fake quotes for things that could not have happened. There is a conspiracy theory that her second husband is her brother, but that falls apart on the evidence.

Omar was born in Somalia, and immigrated to the USA with her family when she was 13. Her family never lived in England. Her second husband, Elmi, was born in England. The claim they are siblings falls apart on the fact that he was born somewhere her parents had never been, and that he did not have American citizenship at the time of the marriage, which he would have had if his parents were American, like her parents were.

Her current husband, Tim Mynett is clearly not her brother... He is not just merely white, but really quite severely white.
Always comical how when “copy and paste” gets embarrassed on one of his threads he’s got nothing in rebuttal but the predictable copy and paste idiocy, as I’ve said before, the guy is incapable of actually exchanging content, if he can’t copy and paste it, he can’t post it
Ballot harvesting

Ballot harvesting is a Conspiracy Theory designed for hateful BUTTHURT idiots like you to use anytime you don't win an election.

Life is not a board game where you can play a Chance card that helps you pass go!

Playing the Conspiracy Theory card every time you don't win an election or get your way is ruining our nation and running Democracy and free elections into the ground!

I suppose the dog ate your homework too.
Ballot harvesting is a Conspiracy Theory designed for hateful BUTTHURT idiots like you to use anytime you don't win an election.

Life is not a board game where you can play a Chance card that helps you pass go!

Little lizard, ballot harvesting is a real thing and I am surprised you alt lefties will not condemn the practice.