They hate you

Oh man! He gets it! They are out to divide and conquer. I do appreciate the trying to explain the degradation of journalism. Something is missing, though..
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Watch how the Canadian Elites are pounding on the truckers....this is very much a class thing.....the workers are to shut up and do as they are told.

Somebody is triggered.
Do not say your brain. Do not say your brain. Do not say your brain.


What if I said "Truth, Justice, and The American way!"? Hmm?

Yes, that IS missing, but I'm thinking about something that happened in the mid-90s.

Alleged "journalists" never could just spout total bullshit before then without getting their asses sued for slander or libel.

But I only watched the first minute or so.
12 minutes is too long for me.

His entire point appears to be 'the media hates you'?

'mass media
Collectively, the communications media, especially television, radio, and newspapers, that reach the mass of the people.' media

So every, single person in TV, radio and newspapers and the net HATE everyone?


The mass media is about one thing above all else...profits.
The thing it hates above all else is financial losses.
If the Mass Media are acting in a way that appears to divide the moronic masses?
It is because this is the technique that they believe will render them the highest, possible profits...period.
If they thought the most profits would be garnered by having everyone hug each other...they would do that.
Or having sex with automobiles....they would do that.
It's all about money...NOTHING else.

Seriously suggesting the leaders of the mass media are trying to destroy humanity (or something similar) is just beyond childish.

I despise the MSM.
But this is just nonsense.

I thought Russell Brand was smarter than this.
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But I only watched the first minute or so.
12 minutes is too long for me.

If his entire point is 'the media hates you'?

'mass media
Collectively, the communications media, especially television, radio, and newspapers, that reach the mass of the people.' media

So every, single person in TV, radio and newspapers and the net HATE everyone?


The mass media is about one thing above all else...profits.
The thing it hates above all else is financial losses.
If the Mass Media are acting in a way that appears to divide people?
It is because this is the way they feel is the easiest way to make as much money as possible.

Seriously suggesting the leaders of the mass media are trying to destroy humanity (or something similar) is just beyond childish.

I despise the MSM.
But this is just nonsense.

Russell Brand should know better.

might be more accurate to say they think they are better than everyone.
might be more accurate to say they think they are better than everyone.


But I seriously doubt the heads of the Mass Media today, look down at the masses any more than they did 50 or 100 years ago.

So I still do not see Brand's point (if that is what it is).

But I seriously doubt the heads of the Mass Media today, look down at the masses any more than they did 50 or 100 years ago.

So I still do not see Brand's point (if that is what it is).

The media was not "mass" 100 years ago. And oh yes they were 50 years ago, they were just less obvious about it.
The media was not "mass" 100 years ago.
Yes they were.
Mass Media just means the collection of the communications media.
100 years ago it was newspapers.
You seriously do not think newspapers had an affect on average Americans 100 years ago?
I certainly do.

And oh yes they were 50 years ago, they were just less obvious about it.

Obvious in what way?

Pandering to stupider people?
Using the anger the middle class has at losing it's power?

Of course.

- people have far shorter attention spans than they used to.
And all popular art forms have gone much more superficial over the last 20 years.
(though this is subjective and I cannot prove it factually. But it should be obvious, IMO.)

- the average IQ of humanity has been falling since the mid-1970's.
People ARE getting dumber.

- the middle class is losing power - fast.
They see it but they are too stupid/ignorant/lazy to figure out why it is happening.
So they blame the media/politicians/each other/foreigners/whatever.

Since 2000, the mass media has not changed their modus operandi - making money.
It's the masses that have changed over the past 20 years.
So - naturally - the mass media changes what it presents to the masses.
In order to continue to make maximum profits.

Just give 'em what they want.
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The Middle-Class is losing ground for the same reason it did in the early Industrial age. There is a revolution in technology going on right now and that hasn't sorted itself out yet. We are into about a century of the Electronic Revolution right now. It's likely going to be another century before things really settle down again. Where that will go is anybody's guess at this point.

The Middle-Class factory worker of the Industrial age-- a person with a decent high school education and training in a specific job-- can't compete effectively in the Electronic age. They need broader skills and more education post high school to do that. With Industrial age jobs vanishing to AI and computers, those classic factory workers are done. They are going to end up the richest of the poor rather than middle class.

The new middle class at this point is someone who has training beyond high school in a trade or profession that requires such training. They can make a good living but have to be flexible and able to solve problems and do a variety of tasks unlike the classic factory worker that got good at one or a few repetitive tasks that a computer and machine can do now.

It's not that people are getting stupider or lazy, it's that a smaller portion of the bell curve of intelligence is capable of learning and doing this sort of job in the Electronics age. We most likely will have to completely revamp how we educate children again, just as happened in the Industrial age. Right now, our public school systems are geared to the Industrial age for the most part. That needs to change.