APP - They say no connection to democrat party but.....

Yup, there is ZERO connection to the democrat party

Now I know that for some of our more radical members, this stuff is exciting and gets them jazzed up. But, this merely turns off independent voters. And while the GOP is doing nothing to bolster their support, I still don't see the democrat party doing anything to help themselves.

If they think they can stand by and just whine about Trump and that is going to sweep them into office they are sadly mistaken.
Well Hillary gives her money to Soros and then Soros gives his money to Jim Creamer. Project Veritas exposed him during the election. If we had an honest media it would have been bigger headlines
Why would Hillary give her money to Soros? They guy is a gazillionaire, stolen from his currency manipulations. I think she probably sucks his shriveled dick, and he writes the checks.