They will pry my gun from my cold fingers.


Villified User
Rescue a mixed blessing for lost hunter

Jan 30, 8:41 PM (ET)

CHEBOYGAN, Mich. (AP) - Being rescued was a mixed blessing for a man who got lost while hunting in Cheboygan County. Howard Keshick became disoriented in Inverness Township in December and called for help on his cell phone. Police and a Coast Guard helicopter braved high winds and blowing snow to locate him.

But the Cheboygan Daily Tribune reported authorities discovered Keshick was a convicted felon and charged him with illegal possession of a firearm. Police said he claimed he didn't know the law applied to his black powder muzzleloader.

Keshick was bound over for arraignment in circuit court on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, he is scheduled for sentencing Feb. 3 on charges including home invasion, property destruction and being a habitual offender.
Blackpowder firearms are harder to keep out of criminals hands.

A background check is not required to purchase one, and they can even be mailed without an FFL.

But there is a reason for that. I can't see gangs or terrorists attacking us with single shot blackpowder rifles.
Blackpowder firearms are harder to keep out of criminals hands.

A background check is not required to purchase one, and they can even be mailed without an FFL.

But there is a reason for that. I can't see gangs or terrorists attacking us with single shot blackpowder rifles.

but aren't multi shot black powder pistols in the same category as far as the law is concerned?

Of course many criminals are too stupid to operate them though.
but aren't multi shot black powder pistols in the same category as far as the law is concerned?

Of course many criminals are too stupid to operate them though.

Yes they are. In fact, most of them are made so that it is fairly easy to take the cylinder out. If you buy more than one cylinder you can reload pretty quick.

But it takes a little sense to load these revolvers. They are also not known for being particularly accurate at any distance. And there is also always the temptation to overload the cylinders (trying to get more power & accuracy), which could cure some criminal tendencies.
Yes they are. In fact, most of them are made so that it is fairly easy to take the cylinder out. If you buy more than one cylinder you can reload pretty quick.

But it takes a little sense to load these revolvers. They are also not known for being particularly accurate at any distance. And there is also always the temptation to overload the cylinders (trying to get more power & accuracy), which could cure some criminal tendencies.

I'd rather cure some Republican/Libertarian voters and gun nuts. It would do far more good for the world.
Yeah, you are welcome to try. But we shoot back with better weapons.

It would be only sweet, sweet justice to see a libertarian exterminated. :)

Come on. I've got a swat team and the government. We're going to take your guns and your money and laugh about it, and exterminate you like the libertarian roach you are if you resist, you pathetic old man. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! :clink:

It would be only sweet, sweet justice to see a libertarian exterminated. :)

Come on. I've got a swat team and the government. We're going to take your guns and your money and laugh about it, and exterminate you like the libertarian roach you are if you resist, you pathetic old man. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! :clink:


Oh my, you are getting worked up here, aren't you?

Except, the 2nd Amendment still stands. So that government and SWAT team will defend me from your attacks on my personal freedoms.

Pathetic old man? Thats the best you got? Come on little boy, you will have to be more creative than that if you want to get to me.

I'm happier than most people I know. Life is great.

But then, I'm not an emo little virgin who hates himself and where he lives.
So that government and SWAT team will defend me from your attacks on my personal freedoms.

Only right-wingers attack personal rights. The world would be better without animals like you and SMY.

I'm stealing from you right now through the government and there's nothing you can do about it. :)

We're going to repeal the second amendment and take your guns. :)

There would be nothing in the world that would give me more joy than for you to resist the governments stealing and taking your guns, because then we'd have two exterminated libertarian animals.