They will pry my mouse from my cold dead fingers!


Villified User
Say goodbye to the computer mouse
By Maggie Shiels
Technology reporter, BBC News, Silicon Valley

It's nearly 40 years old but one leading research company says the days of the computer mouse are numbered.

A Gartner analyst predicts the demise of the computer mouse in the next three to five years.

Support the right to keep and bear mice :usflag:
It will still depend on what the consumer is willing to buy. The mouse will be pretty hard to beat. It allows for so much laziness of barely moving your hand.
that will be hard to beat. I do so much manipulation of data in programs like excel and access that I have it down to a science.

Gonna be hard to learn a new way to do shit without the mouse shortcuts.
that will be hard to beat. I do so much manipulation of data in programs like excel and access that I have it down to a science.

Gonna be hard to learn a new way to do shit without the mouse shortcuts.

I do a lot in Photoshop and would love to have a tablet and stylus, but the prices are out of sight. If a stylus sort of technology were developed to a more sophisticated level, I could go for that. I hate the little pads on laptops.
Yeah I think that is what will really change the technology. When we all start using laptops instead of desktops. Like many families are now landlineless and have only cell phones the same will happen with laptops. People will have less problems with laptop which they can position in more individualized comfort positions to use the new tech.
Yeah I think that is what will really change the technology. When we all start using laptops instead of desktops. Like many families are now landlineless and have only cell phones the same will happen with laptops. People will have less problems with laptop which they can position in more individualized comfort positions to use the new tech.

LOl i dont remember last time i used desk top. I haven't had a desk top at work for like 4 years.

at home i always use laptops
Im in the old desk chair in the dinning room ( in my house its a computor room more than a dinning room).

I am just playing so I cant rationalize the expense of a laptop just to play. My hubby does love his and his ability to finish work on the couch while I cook dinner and the like.
Me too because I get to see more of his face.
I haven't used a desktop computer in at least 5 years.

I like a trackball better than a mouse. You don't have to have room to mouse it like you need with a mouse.

In my office I have a docking station for the laptop, which is pretty sweet. Lets me have the best of both worlds.
Its what everyone will do at some point.

Someday I will find a reason to get me one, like when this ancient 50 pound monster breathes its last.