They won't read it, and even if they did they wouldn't heed it


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Charles Murray is arguably the leading conservative intellectual in America today, so when he has something to say, people on the right pay attention.

This time it is a short book titled Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America.

It is a comprehensive summary of the biological reality of race.

It also argues that we need to face this reality or risk fueling the growth of identity politics.

Although unaddressed by Murray, the true political divide in America is over race and the reality of human biology.

On the left are the blank-slate egalitarians. They remain convinced that human beings are amorphous blobs that can be shaped by society into whatever society wants.

The other side are those who accept biological reality and the implications it holds for human organization and social policy.

One bit of unintentional irony here is that shortly after Murray released this book, the ruling elite cooked up the ridiculous holiday of Juneteenth.

With the total silence from elite opinion journals, it is fair to say his target audience is not taking Murray’s advice.

Despite the fact that no one in his target audience will read the book, it is an excellent summary of the important data regarding race.

Murray summarizes the mountain of data we have on cognitive ability.

It is now beyond any doubt that the races are not always equal. The IQ hierarchy is East Asians, Europeans, Latin Americans, and Africans at the bottom.

He then explains how intelligence strongly correlates with life outcomes like educational attainment, employment, and so on.

On average, being intelligent is a big advantage in life, even in areas that are not very demanding.

The smart truck driver will perform better than the dumb truck driver.

In more demanding fields like science and finance, intelligence is the defining quality, the basis for success.

Murray addresses the claims from science deniers that there is no such thing as intelligence or that the tests themselves are a tool of white supremacy.

Murray explains that the data on intelligence is overwhelming and no serious cognitive scientist contests the findings.

Most important, intelligence testing is predicative, which is the benchmark for scientific research.

IQ is as much a part of our biology as eye color, and it is an important predictor of life outcomes.

It is when Murray gets to crime that the futility of his project is clear. Everyone, especially his target audience, understands the color of crime.

The reason his fellow academics live like white nationalists is they know that blacks commit an enormous amount of crime.

Whites and Asians are at the other end.

This is why Murray and his colleagues live in the whitest places on earth.

For this reason, the chapters on crime can be skipped by those on the reality side of the great divide.

Crime is the reason most dissidents suspect that the other side knows the score on race and biology.

Not only is the color of crime impossible to ignore, but the behavior patterns of the ruling elite also confirm it.

There is a reason the best neighborhoods have the worst high school basketball teams.

The undermining of white society is driven by ideological fervor, not liberal ideals. The fact that Murray cannot see this or accept it is why his brand of conservatism was a massive failure and why his book will be ignored by his target audience.

Murray is targeting the people on the blank-slate side of the divide with this book, because they are the people who currently run the country.

They control the global corporations, the financial system, the academy, the media, and the culture.

They are also the people behind the anti-white pogroms so popular today.

Murray’s fellow whites in the ruling class are waging war on whiteness.

Those who survive the looming catastrophe and begin the task of rebuilding the West will look back at this book and wonder why it ever needed to be written.