They’d rather die: brief lives of the Afghan slave wives


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Five years after the Taliban were ousted from Kabul, the number of Afghan women setting fire to themselves because they cannot bear their lives has risen dramatically... More than half of all girls are married off before the age of 16, some as young as six. The women are regarded as commodities rather than wives and are often treated like slaves.

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a vibrant multicultural democracy shining like a beacon of freedom....just like the one in Iraq!


Yeah, we never went in there to free the women. If we were so worried about freeing the women, we would have invaded years before 9/11. The international community already knew what their lives were like there. That BS was just some pretty nonsense thrown about by the likes of Laura Bush and Karen Hughes.

Not that I really think they can be saved by outside forces. But neither, should their oppressors be supported by outside forces.