They've got the wrong guy in Aurora?


The conspiracy nuts are at it again! The orange-haired guy in custody is NOT the man who police claim, and we've all been DUPED!

Now, I look at the photos, and while they do look different, they don't look THAT different. I was a professional photographer for many years, and I feel I am very keen at spotting physical detail and difference. There are several 'differences' in the compared photos... First, they were taken at widely different times, and a lot can change with ones physical appearance over time. People gain or lose weight, stress, depression, drug use... all can be factors in dramatically changing someone's physical appearance. Again, I see no remarkable difference here. Next, there is the fact that one picture the guy is smiling and the other he's not. When we smile, thousands of facial muscles are used, and people can look totally different because of it. The 'wider nose' for instance, is not unusual for someone who is grinning, the face spreads out with the grin, making the nose appear wider. Then there is the 'optical effect' of one guy having black hair and the other having orange hair. The black hair tends to cause a more 'narrow' looking face, we often see overweight people dressed in black and looking good, because black absorbs light, and tends to make things appear smaller/thinner because of that.

But beyond all of this 'common sense' stuff... In order for a conspiracy theory to work, there needs to at least be one crucial thing... a reason! Now, I can see where there would be a reason for conspiracy in the JFK shooting or the moon landing, there are very good reasons which compel one to consider the possibility of a conspiracy. Why would the authorities not want to prosecute the actual person who did the shooting? Why would they substitute an innocent person, while the real culprit roams free? That just doesn't make rational sense to me, and I can't find anything to compel me to believe in a conspiracy here. Am I missing something? Does anyone know what prompted this ridiculous theory?
there is no Aurora, Colorado and no one has's all lies put out by the left to incite support for eliminating gun ownership.....

James Holmes father Robert Holmes, was said to have been scheduled to testify within the next few weeks before a US Senate panel on the massive banking crime called the LIBOR Scandal where UK banks fixed the London Interbank Borrowing Rate with the complicity of the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve (which knew about this crime for 4 years and didn’t report it) and many other major Western banks.

Despite police claiming “every single indicator” tells them the shooting was a lone wolf attack, numerous witnesses have described accomplices. Initial police reports that suggested the involvement of two or more shooters were quickly buried and the lone wolf narrative aggressively pushed.

As Swann points out, eyewitnesses interviewed after the shooting such as Corbin Dates state that Holmes received a phone call from someone while he was inside the theater and responded by moving to the emergency exit, suggesting the call was an accomplice coordinating the attack.

Dates also said he saw Holmes by the exit door “signaling somebody or looking for somebody to come his way.
Another eyewitness added, “From what we saw he wasn’t alone – he had someone with him. Because the second can of tear gas didn’t come from his side.”

James Holmes father Robert Holmes, was said to have been scheduled to testify within the next few weeks before a US Senate panel on the massive banking crime called the LIBOR Scandal where UK banks fixed the London Interbank Borrowing Rate with the complicity of the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve (which knew about this crime for 4 years and didn’t report it) and many other major Western banks.

Despite police claiming “every single indicator” tells them the shooting was a lone wolf attack, numerous witnesses have described accomplices. Initial police reports that suggested the involvement of two or more shooters were quickly buried and the lone wolf narrative aggressively pushed.

As Swann points out, eyewitnesses interviewed after the shooting such as Corbin Dates state that Holmes received a phone call from someone while he was inside the theater and responded by moving to the emergency exit, suggesting the call was an accomplice coordinating the attack.

Dates also said he saw Holmes by the exit door “signaling somebody or looking for somebody to come his way.
Another eyewitness added, “From what we saw he wasn’t alone – he had someone with him. Because the second can of tear gas didn’t come from his side.”

Okay, but I'm still not getting the thing about how the orange-hair dude in the courtroom isn't the same guy as the other photo? You are throwing something out there that is just a completely different thing, and makes it even more confusing as to why people are running around claiming this isn't the same person. Aside from that not standing the logic test, you are now introducing something much more insane to believe. That the government staged a mass-shooting so they could arrest the son of someone who was going to testify? Why not just have Holmes dad take a swim with the fishies? It would serve the same purpose without creating a high-profile national tragedy.

Is this just BOREDOM on the part of conspiracy theorists? I have to ask myself that, in light of how weak this one is.
730. Colorado theatre shooting (8/1/2012)

People have a lot of suspicion on Colorado theatre shooting. A big question is that if Holmes took that much effort to build 30 booby traps in his apartment, why did he so easily giving up his hard work and released his secret to the police right after his arrest? Many think government was involved.

Possible Second Shooter in tragic Batman Denver Shooting Eyewitness Account

Most people link mind control to it when they saw Holmes’ behave in the court. It seems like he had been drugged and was senseless to anything. Holmes had taken part in Mind control programs. He might have been chosen as an experience subject involuntarily since then.

James Holmes Wrote And Made Mind Control Programs

James Holmes Wrote And Made Mind Control Programs. After graduating in 2006, Holmes worked as a student intern at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies and Miramar College’s biotechnology summer boot camp, where “cream of the crop” students were given rudimentary laboratory projects.

MK-Ultra responsible for James Holmes and Aurora shootings Part-I

by Doc Vega | July 25, 2012

PSYOP the practice of modern psychological warfare, propaganda, Political Warfare, PSY OPS, Hearts and Minds, and PSYWAR, all names for a covert form of abhorrent conducted intelligence operations. These operations can be utilized under many forms from selective assassin training, false flag, or black operations. These highly specialized forms of covert and mind control operations, lavishly funded, carefully guarded, are manifestations of the New World Order. Carrying out a strategy of keeping nations at war, the public off balance, and the diplomatic relations between international countries manipulated

The media beat the drum to broadcast Holmes’ court attending picture. The purpose was to show people the red dyed hair of him to ensure that he was the right suspect. On the contrary, was Holmes stupid enough to fix an eye catching evidence on his head to run all around? Was that easier to wear a red dyed wig so he could throw it away in his escape?

731. The criminal style (8/6/2012)

There was an anthrax attack after 911 in 2001. The purpose was to frame Iraq as the perpetrator so US could start war on it. The plot failed when the scientists found the anthrax was from the US lab.
U.S. Inquiry Tried, but Failed, to Link Iraq to Anthrax Attack

New York Times, December 22, 2001. By WILLIAM J. BROAD with DAVID JOHNSTON

The failed plot created an unexpected problem for FBI. It must find a scapegoat for the case. For years the FBI was under pressure to find a “perpetrator”. It finally found a victim- Ivins. Since it was a framed case. Ivins had to be a dead man who could never defend himself.

With this lesson, to avoid any more trouble, they always had a prepared victim to take the responsibility of the new plot. In this Colorado theatre shooting case, not only they designed a red dyeing hair, but also had a written plan to prove the case.

Lost In The Mail – James Holmes Mailed His Murderous Musings To Professor

AURORA, Colo. – James Holmes, mailed a notebook “full of details about how he was going to kill people” to a University of Colorado psychiatrist before the attack, but the parcel sat unopened in a mailroom for as long as a week before its discovery Monday, a law enforcement source told

The similar style had been used in Virginia Tech shooting massacre case.

Va. Tech gunman sent material to NBC

4/19/2007 By William M. Welch, USA TODAY

Minutes before Cho Seung Hui gunned down 30 people in a Virginia Tech building, he mailed a hate-filled package of video and photos to NBC, sending what amounted to a deranged final message aired after his death.

As a matter of fact, they prepared this shooting case first in May, then carried it out on July 20 as a prelude for the 7/27 plot. (see “728. The 7/27 plot and Olympic Game (7/18/2012)”

FBI Warned of Theatre Shooting on their Website May 17
Watch this video to see the FBI warning that was taken down within minutes of posting it this past May.

People have a lot of suspicion on Colorado theatre shooting. A big question is that if Holmes took that much effort to build 30 booby traps in his apartment, why did he so easily giving up his hard work and released his secret to the police right after his arrest?

The police routinely check for stuff like this in the wake of something like this. He is not the first to think this up. I don't know that Holmes told the police anything, they haven't released this information. Better question is, how did this totally innocent government patsy know to construct 30 booby traps inside his apartment before he was framed? ...Oh yeah, "mind control drugs" right?

Most people link mind control to it when they saw Holmes’ behave in the court. It seems like he had been drugged and was senseless to anything. Holmes had taken part in Mind control programs. He might have been chosen as an experience subject involuntarily since then.

Or maybe he's just fucking INSANE? Nahhh... that's too convenient!

The media beat the drum to broadcast Holmes’ court attending picture. The purpose was to show people the red dyed hair of him to ensure that he was the right suspect. On the contrary, was Holmes stupid enough to fix an eye catching evidence on his head to run all around? Was that easier to wear a red dyed wig so he could throw it away in his escape?

The booby traps prove Holmes did not intend to escape. My speculation is, if he hadn't been apprehended, there would have been more shootings, (ala: The Maryland Shooter) This man was on a suicide mission. And the media didn't "beat the drum" to broadcast the hearing of one of the most reprehensible acts of terror ever committed by an American citizen, it was a pretty fucking big news story.

The failed plot created an unexpected problem for FBI. It must find a scapegoat for the case. For years the FBI was under pressure to find a “perpetrator”. It finally found a victim- Ivins. Since it was a framed case. Ivins had to be a dead man who could never defend himself.

With this lesson, to avoid any more trouble, they always had a prepared victim to take the responsibility of the new plot. In this Colorado theatre shooting case, not only they designed a red dyeing hair, but also had a written plan to prove the case.

Following your own logic here... why is Holmes not dead?

AURORA, Colo. – James Holmes, mailed a notebook “full of details about how he was going to kill people” to a University of Colorado psychiatrist before the attack, but the parcel sat unopened in a mailroom for as long as a week before its discovery Monday, a law enforcement source told

The similar style had been used in Virginia Tech shooting massacre case.

Minutes before Cho Seung Hui gunned down 30 people in a Virginia Tech building, he mailed a hate-filled package of video and photos to NBC, sending what amounted to a deranged final message aired after his death.

...And the Unibomber did the same thing, so have dozens of other psychopaths... have you never watched movies, this is practically a cliche?

As a matter of fact, they prepared this shooting case first in May, then carried it out on July 20 as a prelude for the 7/27 plot. (see “728. The 7/27 plot and Olympic Game (7/18/2012)”

There have been warnings from the Feds since 9/11, that we are most vulnerable to terrorist attacks in malls, theaters, etc., again, this is not new stuff. The YouTube you posted is not from the FBI, it's some crackpot trying to pass off an old memo as some kind of "incriminating evidence" by reading WAY too much into it.

So far, you've not presented ANYTHING that points to a government conspiracy, and a whole bunch of stuff which indicates there wasn't a conspiracy. You don't even have simple logic on your side here. You started off by claiming this was the government trying to 'send a message' to Holmes' father, who was scheduled to testify in court. But the facts of the case appear to dispel that notion, because he wrote about it in his own words, and booby trapped his apartment... so THEN the 'story' was concocted, that maybe he was under "mind control" by the government? Can you honestly not see how absurd and ridiculous this has become? The man was nuts, he did a crazy thing, and innocent people were killed. There was no conspiracy, the government isn't involved, it doesn't even make rational sense. If the government didn't want his father to testify, his father would have mysteriously vanished, like Jimmy Hoffa! END OF FUCKING STORY! There would be absolutely NO need to implicate his son in some elaborate scheme involving shooting up a theater full of people! It's like trying to claim Pearl Harbor was staged by the U.S. Air Force, using planes disguised to look like the Japanese! Or better yet, it's like claiming the moon landing was faked by the government because the public was getting too close to uncovering the secret gov't plot at Pearl Harbor! It just makes NO rational sense whatsoever.

Katsung, I have a phone call for you... It's Life! It says you were supposed to be there an hour ago!
View attachment 1729

The conspiracy nuts are at it again! The orange-haired guy in custody is NOT the man who police claim, and we've all been DUPED!

Now, I look at the photos, and while they do look different, they don't look THAT different. I was a professional photographer for many years, and I feel I am very keen at spotting physical detail and difference. There are several 'differences' in the compared photos... First, they were taken at widely different times, and a lot can change with ones physical appearance over time. People gain or lose weight, stress, depression, drug use... all can be factors in dramatically changing someone's physical appearance. Again, I see no remarkable difference here. Next, there is the fact that one picture the guy is smiling and the other he's not. When we smile, thousands of facial muscles are used, and people can look totally different because of it. The 'wider nose' for instance, is not unusual for someone who is grinning, the face spreads out with the grin, making the nose appear wider. Then there is the 'optical effect' of one guy having black hair and the other having orange hair. The black hair tends to cause a more 'narrow' looking face, we often see overweight people dressed in black and looking good, because black absorbs light, and tends to make things appear smaller/thinner because of that.

But beyond all of this 'common sense' stuff... In order for a conspiracy theory to work, there needs to at least be one crucial thing... a reason! Now, I can see where there would be a reason for conspiracy in the JFK shooting or the moon landing, there are very good reasons which compel one to consider the possibility of a conspiracy. Why would the authorities not want to prosecute the actual person who did the shooting? Why would they substitute an innocent person, while the real culprit roams free? That just doesn't make rational sense to me, and I can't find anything to compel me to believe in a conspiracy here. Am I missing something? Does anyone know what prompted this ridiculous theory?

It's the same guy.
It's the same guy.

That's what I said. I have been a professional photographer for over 20 years. I recognize faces of people I photographed years ago. I have a very keen eye for detail in facial features, etc. And this is the same person. The two photos are taken at different times, and at completely different stages of this guy's mental stability. In one, he appears smiling and happy, relatively content and carefree... in the other, he looks like the same person, but not smiling, not happy, and not content and carefree, and...carrying the burden of all those people he just executed in a theater. The lighting is different, the camera angles are slightly different, and oh... he has orange hair! Yeah, that makes a big difference in appearance!
That's what I said. I have been a professional photographer for over 20 years. I recognize faces of people I photographed years ago. I have a very keen eye for detail in facial features, etc. And this is the same person. The two photos are taken at different times, and at completely different stages of this guy's mental stability. In one, he appears smiling and happy, relatively content and carefree... in the other, he looks like the same person, but not smiling, not happy, and not content and carefree, and...carrying the burden of all those people he just executed in a theater. The lighting is different, the camera angles are slightly different, and oh... he has orange hair! Yeah, that makes a big difference in appearance!

Yeah I agree. I didn't know you were a professional photographer though. Is katsung a real poster??? Watermark told me it was a bot once. I think it was WM who said that.
I didn't know you were a professional photographer though.

Yep. I have photographed many-a famous persons as well. I actually shot Bill Clinton once (I love saying that.) My favorite shoot was Jerry Lee Lewis, that guy is insane. But yeah, I had a studio for years, then did a stint as photojournalist and later freelance commercial photography. A photo I took during the Atlanta Olympics made the cover of the LA Times, and numerous shots went on the AP wire. My only regret is never having the opportunity to shoot for Nat Geo, would've LOVED that!
The James Holmes Conspiracy (2012 Full Documentary)
Before movie started, man with goatee sat in front row, got a phone call, went to emergency exit and propped door open.

Security camera videos have not been released. Police officer avoids answering questions about the security cameras and how someone could have gotten in
through the emergency exit door which would have been locked from the outside.

A shooter was reported wearing a blue and white plaid shirt.

Not a single witness says they saw Holmes at the theatre that nigh, before, during, OR after the shooting. He would have been easy to notice with dyed orange hair.

Witness said, "They had shotguns."

Why would Holmes set an intricate death trap in his apartment and then warn police about it before someone was killed?

Why do police say it appears to have been a lone wolf attack when witnesses say tear gas was thrown from more than one location and someone propped open the emergency exit door?

Where would Holmes have gotten the funding, firearms training, and bomb making skills?

Holmes was arrested wearing a gas mask, but a second gas mask was found on the other side of the parking lot.

Officer with Holmes, on police audio, says he is getting conflicting descriptions of suspect.

How is it possible that 12 people were killed, and 58 injured, by one semiautomatic weapon that jammed?

People who knew Holmes, before his recent move to Denver, say he got along well with everyone and excelled academically.

A neighbor who knew Holmes his whole life thinks he was set-up.

In court James does not speak, seems drugged, and seems like he does not know where he is. Many people think he is under some sort of mind control.

Scopolamine is a drug that eliminates your free will. A person appears to be normal but can be guided to do whatever someone else wants and have no memory
of it. Holmes didn't start acting strangely until a few months before the attack.

A 1977 hearing investigating the top secret mind control project, forced the CIA to release files exposing the history of MK_ULTRA. It is the invasion of a person's mind.

James Holmes has exhibited classic signs of an MK-ULTRA subject.

What would be the motive for the government to stage such as massive shooting spree?

Lots more on video, including possible motives, new pieces of evidence and testimonies, and other MK-ULTRA killings. or

Nurse Who “Saw Everything” At Hospital After Suspicious Batman Shooting Found Dead at 46
Aug 17, 2012

Jenny Gallagher, a nurse who treated victims of the highly suspicious “Batman” shooting in Aurora, Colorado last month, is dead at age 46. The reported cause of death: drowning.

“She worked the morning after the Batman massacre in a very busy unit of the hospital — so she saw everything really, some really bad injuries,” her husband Greg reportedly told Ireland’s Herald earlier today.
The death of this national heroine does not appear to have been picked up at all by the major U.S. national media. [Note: If this is incorrect, please send in links to the relevant stories by e-mail.]


Yesterday, nine days after her body was found, an article was published by Ireland’s Herald which finally revealed some information about Gallagher and broke the story of her status as a UCH nurse and witness to the bloody aftermath of the carnage in Aurora.
Aurora Massacre: Disclosure of the facts would cause “untold harm to the case” says Judge

Posted on August 14, 2012 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton

Arapaho County Court Judge William Sylvester denied most of a legal motion filed by a group of news agencies to unseal all the relevant documents in the Aurora massacre case.

I suppose it might cause untold harm to the prosecution’s case against Holmes if the public were to find out

1.that there were two gas masks taken into evidence and that one of them was 60 yards away in an area Holmes was never supposed to have been…

2.that Holmes was drugged up when they found him inside the car (not coming out of the theater as early reports indicated)
3.that Holmes was so drugged they couldn’t even take his mug shot booking photo for 3 days

4.that Holmes was so out of it when they found him they didn’t need to shoot him and they may have ordered a spine board to transport him to the police station because he couldn’t walk

5.the explanation of the disclosure of the so-called “stick figure drawing confession” changed 3 times and in the end the prosecution wondered how the media claimed they knew what was in the package before investigators even opened it

6.the fact that according to police transcripts and early reports to the press claimed they had one suspect in custody (drugged up Holmes) and one suspect still on the loose
7.that on July 20th (the day of the shooting) Mayor Bloomberg’s police commissioner Ray Kelly stated that Holmes claimed to be “the Joker” when arrested when in fact, he said nothing of the sort. Bloomberg has been using this case ever since to push for stricter gun control legislation across the country.

8.that ABC News deliberately misrepresented the statement by Holmes’ mother in order to implicate him as the shooter