Thieves swipe used cooking oil to brew biodiesel


Villified User
Thieves swipe used cooking oil to brew biodiesel

Tuesday May 20, 5:30 PM EDT

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A few years ago, drums of used french fry grease were only of interest to a small network of underground biofuel brewers, who would use the slimy oil to power their souped-up antique Mercedes.

Now, restaurants from Berkeley, Calif. to Sedgwick, Kan. are reporting thefts of old cooking oil worth thousands of dollars by rustlers who are refining it into barrels of biofuel in backyard stills.

"It's like a war zone going on right now over grease," said David Levenson, who owns a grease hauling business in San Francisco's Mission District. "We're seeing more and more people stealing grease because it lets them stay away from the pump, but it's hurting our bottom line."

Levenson, who converted the engine in his '83 Mercedes to run on straight canola oil, has built up contracts to collect the liquid leftovers from 400 restaurants in the last two years.

Last week when his pump truck arrived at Thee Parkside, a dive bar known for its chili-cheese fries, his driver found someone had already helped himself to their barrel of yellow oil.

Buy used fry oil futures :clink:
Thieves swipe used cooking oil to brew biodiesel

Tuesday May 20, 5:30 PM EDT

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A few years ago, drums of used french fry grease were only of interest to a small network of underground biofuel brewers, who would use the slimy oil to power their souped-up antique Mercedes.

Now, restaurants from Berkeley, Calif. to Sedgwick, Kan. are reporting thefts of old cooking oil worth thousands of dollars by rustlers who are refining it into barrels of biofuel in backyard stills.

"It's like a war zone going on right now over grease," said David Levenson, who owns a grease hauling business in San Francisco's Mission District. "We're seeing more and more people stealing grease because it lets them stay away from the pump, but it's hurting our bottom line."

Levenson, who converted the engine in his '83 Mercedes to run on straight canola oil, has built up contracts to collect the liquid leftovers from 400 restaurants in the last two years.

Last week when his pump truck arrived at Thee Parkside, a dive bar known for its chili-cheese fries, his driver found someone had already helped himself to their barrel of yellow oil.

Buy used fry oil futures :clink:

Damn hippies will steal anything to get a buzz.
Makes their old Mercedes Buzz.

I am buying used fry oil futures in the morning. gonna be richer :cheer:

actually I have been thinking of opening a moped and scooter dealership.

I expect laws to loosen on use of those in the next 2-3 years.
Makes their old Mercedes Buzz.

I am buying used fry oil futures in the morning. gonna be richer :cheer:

actually I have been thinking of opening a moped and scooter dealership.

I expect laws to loosen on use of those in the next 2-3 years.

Now you're getting the hang of it. Invest in energy to make enough bucks to pay for your groceries. IF you can convert your waste into more fuel I think you control your own destiny or something !
I am raising most of my groceries now.

going to have a big cookout for all my employees and such this weekend. The rented tables and such are supposed to show up tomorrow. I borrowed a nice hog cooker. About 1/4 of a cow and a half pig gave up their lives to help with the festivities. Gallons of potato salad, etc too. and most are bringing pot luck homemade stuff. Yummy.
No booze is provided though. All have been told bring booze if you want but beahve an no responsibility of mine if you drive drunk.
Plenty of tea, lemonaide and pop though.

Games for the kiddies and adults, etc. door prizes including a wide screen LCD TV.

actually except for the door pirzes all are welcome, I expect a couple hundred.
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I am raising most of my groceries now.

going to have a big cookout for all my employees and such this weekend. The rented tables and such are supposed to show up tomorrow. I borrowed a nice hog cooker. About 1/4 of a cow and a half pig gave up their lives to help with the festivities. Gallons of potato salad, etc too. and most are bringing pot luck homemade stuff. Yummy.
No booze is provided though. All have been told bring booze if you want but beahve an no responsibility of mine if you drive drunk.
Plenty of tea, lemonaide and pop though.

Games for the kiddies and adults, etc. door prizes including a wide screen LCD TV.

Better hire some security to fend off the biofuel bandits ! :)
Better hire some security to fend off the biofuel bandits ! :)

hey this is rural KY several will be packin.

And I have a rep for not taking any crap. Thieves have hit all around me recently but none at my place. Copper thieves mostly but other stuff too. As times get harder thievin gets worse.

I think most of my Vet "friends" are showing up too. Will be good for them and they might make more friends.

Also we have a sign up table for helping a vets family. Mow grass for the wives of vets in Iraq, home repairs, car repairs and such. Or disable vets. Just a local thing.

we country folks tend to help each other more.
Rural KY? Not one of those dry counties I hope. Damn I got caught in one, couldn't work out why I couldn't find a bar. Had to do a liquor run across the county line. Scariest part of my first trip to the States that was, burned in my memory for ever. :eek:

I hope all goes well USC :) :clink:
Rural KY? Not one of those dry counties I hope. Damn I got caught in one, couldn't work out why I couldn't find a bar. Had to do a liquor run across the county line. Scariest part of my first trip to the States that was, burned in my memory for ever. :eek:

I hope all goes well USC :) :clink:

I actually live in a dry county, where its illegal to even own alcohol. It's pretty much a joke, since almost everyone here owns alcohol, the elected officials who enforce the policy included. But it's a big taboo to talk about it, and if you mention trivial things such as common sense, the religious nuts (who drink also) will tell you you're going to hell, and after that you can't get elected. Mississippi was the last state to abolish prohibition, in the 60's, but the counties here still carry on as if nothings changed.
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That's bloody terrible Watermark.

Jeez if I lived there I'd have to call for UN intervention.

That's just not civilised.
Hey now DI , we are the leaders of the free world ;)

I was raised in a dry county, and the end of the county I live in now has no beer for sale. All the beer sales liscences are in the other end of the county.
Hey now DI , we are the leaders of the free world ;)

I was raised in a dry county, and the end of the county I live in now has no beer for sale. All the beer sales liscences are in the other end of the county.

There's no hope..............

But what about beer missionaries? Would that help? I'll sign up! :clink:
I am raising most of my groceries now.

going to have a big cookout for all my employees and such this weekend. The rented tables and such are supposed to show up tomorrow. I borrowed a nice hog cooker. About 1/4 of a cow and a half pig gave up their lives to help with the festivities.

Can't you just say we're having "ribs"?

No booze is provided though.

I guess I'm not coming then.
Aww LadyT, if you showed up I would open the liquor cabinet. Or at least a little wine.

I prefer seared and sauteed decaying swine flesh to simple old ribs and chops.
Of course I would probably have to kick a few redneck asses over crude comments about you. Sad but the way it is here. Obama did not win in this county, lost big time....
Already got em, they are called bootleggers.
And they charge premium prices for their salvation too ;)

I remember when I crossed the county line there were about six liquor stores all lined up right across the county border...I thought I was in Vegas :cof1:
If Tiana came over I would just invite black people. AH, the advantages of living in Mississippi. Obama lost the white population as big in MS as he did in Kentucky, it's just that there aren't any white folks in our Democratic party besides me.