APP - Thing1 and Jarod: Prove you aren't hypocrites


As I have watched to two of you hyperventilate over Russia and Comey and every other utterance that comes out of the White House, I have noticed that you have been relatively quiet on another front which I believe deserves equal attention.

Why aren't either of you talking about Obama unmasking intelligence information to spy on the opposition party? Isn't that more akin to Nixon than anything you have accused Trump of doing? Why aren't you calling for investigations into that activity?

And please don't give me "it's legal" as a copout, because it was legal for Trump to fire Comey.

So here is your chance to prove you aren't hypocrites. Show us you really care about government corruption from all quarters.
1) Obama is no longer president and thus even if he abused his power, he can do no more damage to the nation.
2) Rump personally admits he fired Comey. There is absolutely no evidence Obama unmasked anyone or told anyone to unmask anyone.
3) Firing Comey is obviously, at least in part, an attempt to affect the Russia investigation, Rump even admitted that himself.
4) If some people were "unmasked" there are plausible non-abuse of power reasons.
5) 100's of people have been "unmasked" over the years.
6) Never has an FBI Director, who was investigating the President's campaign or the President, ever been fired. In fact only once before has an FBI Director been fired and it was because he was stealing money from the agency. The previous firing was done after consultation with Congress and the reasons were clearly explained at the time the firing was undertaken, the termination was done in a respectful way.
7) When Rump fired Comey, he kept it secret, offered reasons that changed daily, then he threatened the fired Director of the FBI via Twitter, and Rump had previously demanded a loyalty pledge.

These are only the reasons that come to mind while I wrote this.

I am considering disengaging with JPP for a while, so don't be surprised if I don't answer your "challenges" in the future. IN the past I have always felt that those I debate with here have an honest desire to uphold the institutions created by the Constitution in an effort to keep America great. I simply felt we had differences as to how to get to greatness. IN the past few months those Conservatives who did that have mostly left and I am here debating with people who 1) are dumb enough not to understand those institutions and why they were created and why they have kept us great, OR 2) They don't care and for some reason are mentally pre-disposed to be enamored with someone who wants to be a "strong-man" at the helm of the Federal Government, so enamored that they care more about the "strong-man" than the nation.

I can't enjoy debating with either of those types of Rump supporters.
1) Obama is no longer president and thus even if he abused his power, he can do no more damage to the nation.
2) Rump personally admits he fired Comey. There is absolutely no evidence Obama unmasked anyone or told anyone to unmask anyone.
3) Firing Comey is obviously, at least in part, an attempt to affect the Russia investigation, Rump even admitted that himself.
4) If some people were "unmasked" there are plausible non-abuse of power reasons.
5) 100's of people have been "unmasked" over the years.
6) Never has an FBI Director, who was investigating the President's campaign or the President, ever been fired. In fact only once before has an FBI Director been fired and it was because he was stealing money from the agency. The previous firing was done after consultation with Congress and the reasons were clearly explained at the time the firing was undertaken, the termination was done in a respectful way.
7) When Rump fired Comey, he kept it secret, offered reasons that changed daily, then he threatened the fired Director of the FBI via Twitter, and Rump had previously demanded a loyalty pledge.

These are only the reasons that come to mind while I wrote this.

I am considering disengaging with JPP for a while, so don't be surprised if I don't answer your "challenges" in the future. IN the past I have always felt that those I debate with here have an honest desire to uphold the institutions created by the Constitution in an effort to keep America great. I simply felt we had differences as to how to get to greatness. IN the past few months those Conservatives who did that have mostly left and I am here debating with people who 1) are dumb enough not to understand those institutions and why they were created and why they have kept us great, OR 2) They don't care and for some reason are mentally pre-disposed to be enamored with someone who wants to be a "strong-man" at the helm of the Federal Government, so enamored that they care more about the "strong-man" than the nation.

I can't enjoy debating with either of those types of Rump supporters.

So what you are saying is that former Presidents get a pass?

There is no proof of Trump collusion but according to you and Thing that is why we need an investigation. So by your logic we should investigate Obama activities to make sure

As for you leaving nobody will be heartbroken. But you aren't going anywhere. You wouldn't know what to do without JPP.
So what you are saying is that former Presidents get a pass?

There is no proof of Trump collusion but according to you and Thing that is why we need an investigation. So by your logic we should investigate Obama activities to make sure

As for you leaving nobody will be heartbroken. But you aren't going anywhere. You wouldn't know what to do without JPP.

1) No
2) That is why you have investigations to uncover the evidence.
3) I don't object to having an investigation into the "unmasking".
1) No
2) That is why you have investigations to uncover the evidence.
3) I don't object to having an investigation into the "unmasking".

Yet you haven't called for one. Hence the hypocrisy.

Would you object to Trump ginning up phony allegations as a pretext to surveillance of political opponents? Because it appears to me that is what Ibama did