APP - Things are about to get real


Former Vice President

Looks like we are one step closer to the truth behind the "Russian Pee Pee Dossier". This could be a total game changer. But, I suspect the Deep State will do all it can to keep this testimony from every happening.

Between this and Debbie Blabbermouth's IT guy being indicted, it probably makes sense why we are all of a sudden seeing so much activity from the Antifa anti free speech fascists.

They are trying to distract the public from inconvenient facts about the democrat party.
Yes we are; and once the TRUTH gets out there, it will further marginalize the PHONY Trump hating media and the Party of the Jackass.
They'll still moronically believe they are winning.

They know they are losing. Their shrillness denotes fear, always. And their fear is at a fever pitch, right now. So much so Soros is paying crowds and staging false flag ops.

They know Americans still support Trump and nothing they do or say changes that, so their fear is justified. ;)