Things I'm Tired Of...


Will work for Scooby snacks
1. I’m tired of being told by Bush-fans that I should be terrified because two morons lit themselves on fire and crashed their car in Scotland.

2. I’m tired of being told by Bush-fans for the last five years, that every time there is an insignificant drop in violence in Iraq, it means that victory is just around the corner.

3. I’m tired of Bush-fans denying that Iraq is in a civil war.

4. I’m tired of Bush fans telling me that Islam is an evil religion, and that I need to be afraid of muslims.

5. I’m tired of Bush-fans continually changing their story on global warming: first global warming isn’t even happening; then it is happening but its not human’s fault; then even if humans are contributing to it warming will be good for us anyway.
I'm tired of waiting to oust the bootstrappers I helped put in. 2008 is too far away. Any dem with their higher market returns is good enough for me.
Maybe well man-up and cut the dog fuck out of military spending.
Increase access to Healthcare, college, and votech.
And lastly stop jailing teenage potheads.
1. I’m tired of being told by Bush-fans that I should be terrified because two morons lit themselves on fire and crashed their car in Scotland.

2. I’m tired of being told by Bush-fans for the last five years, that every time there is an insignificant drop in violence in Iraq, it means that victory is just around the corner.

3. I’m tired of Bush-fans denying that Iraq is in a civil war.

4. I’m tired of Bush fans telling me that Islam is an evil religion, and that I need to be afraid of muslims.

5. I’m tired of Bush-fans continually changing their story on global warming: first global warming isn’t even happening; then it is happening but its not human’s fault; then even if humans are contributing to it warming will be good for us anyway.

What Bush fans have told you to be afraid? How come I didn't get that e-mail?
What Bush fans have told you to be afraid? How come I didn't get that e-mail?

Oh, it was on another board.

Thread after thread, breathlessly informing us that the UK was "under attack", and that the muslims were conquering europe.

Seriously, can republicans just calm down, and stop wetting the bed? These inept car-crashing morons are something to be vigilant about, but this isn't the end of western civilization.

Seriously, can republicans just calm down, and stop wetting the bed? These inept car-crashing morons are something to be vigilant about, but this isn't the end of western civilization.

Why would you want them too, It's hard enough when dems have to worry about idiots like Dodd and Kucenich
1. I’m tired of being told by Bush-fans that I should be terrified because two morons lit themselves on fire and crashed their car in Scotland.

2. I’m tired of being told by Bush-fans for the last five years, that every time there is an insignificant drop in violence in Iraq, it means that victory is just around the corner.

3. I’m tired of Bush-fans denying that Iraq is in a civil war.

4. I’m tired of Bush fans telling me that Islam is an evil religion, and that I need to be afraid of muslims.

5. I’m tired of Bush-fans continually changing their story on global warming: first global warming isn’t even happening; then it is happening but its not human’s fault; then even if humans are contributing to it warming will be good for us anyway.


I was one of those morons years ago, I embarrasingly admit.

How anyone still is is beyond me.
Oh, it was on another board.

Thread after thread, breathlessly informing us that the UK was "under attack", and that the muslims were conquering europe.

Seriously, can republicans just calm down, and stop wetting the bed? These inept car-crashing morons are something to be vigilant about, but this isn't the end of western civilization.


They're very easily terrified. I wish they would go home and ask their mommy to hold them and stop bothering the rest of us. I can't hold everybody!
They're very easily terrified. I wish they would go home and ask their mommy to hold them and stop bothering the rest of us. I can't hold everybody!

No. You're just so brainwashed against your own nation you cannot effectively respond to actual threats. The funny thing is that this defect of yours makes you feel superior.
No. You're just so brainwashed against your own nation you cannot effectively respond to actual threats. The funny thing is that this defect of yours makes you feel superior.

Calm down AHZ, I've good news. I've just returned from the bunker with news from one of the Fuhrer's top men!

The United States remains safe after the attack at a Scottish airport and two foiled car bombs in London, and no lifting of the terror alert status is planned, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Monday.

Now, move along, and go about your business. As long as you don't lose your papers, odds are you will live to irritate people for yet another day.
Calm down AHZ, I've good news. I've just returned from the bunker with news from one of the Fuhrer's top men!

The United States remains safe after the attack at a Scottish airport and two foiled car bombs in London, and no lifting of the terror alert status is planned, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Monday.

Now, move along, and go about your business. As long as you don't lose your papers, odds are you will live to irritate people for yet another day.

Thank god!
1. I’m tired of being told by Bush-fans that I should be terrified because two morons lit themselves on fire and crashed their car in Scotland.

QUOTE] tho I think that most appropriately they would be called Bushites, I do agree with you on this point.

After reading the various post concerning this issue. Given the ineptness of the perpetrators,I would really like to see the results of a poll of how many people really beleive this was simly a botched attempt. or that in the obverse, it was a fraudulent attenpt at fear mongeroing.

I simply can't beleive that they could have been so amaturish, except by intention. Further.

Of course there are terrorist acts in this country, and will continue to be. the reasons for 911 were explained by the perpetrators, so also did Tim McVey explain himself.

With actions that engender anger, like Waco, and Ruby ridge, and some of the public lynchings (figuratively) by law enforcement
agencies, we are bound to have some terrorist reprisals, but should we really be affraid?

The English people seem to regard these latest happenings as bloody rubbish and just go about their business.
Didn't an old man with an SUV cause more carnage in CA a while back than all those events recently in the British Isles ?

We need to fear SUV's!!!!!
Or old men or both.
Didn't an old man with an SUV cause more carnage in CA a while back than all those events recently in the British Isles ?

We need to fear SUV's!!!!!
Or old men or both.

USC, I'm telling you: elsewhere in cyberspace, Bush-fans have been running around like chickens with their heads cut off, and pissing their pants in panic. All over this inept and amateurish attempt at a terrorist attack by two morons....morons who lit themselves on fire, and didn't manage to injure anyone but themselves.

LOL - what hacks!
I have to admit, when I saw the one guy with singed (sp?) hair on the ground, I thought it was a bit funny.
Didn't an old man with an SUV cause more carnage in CA a while back than all those events recently in the British Isles ?

We need to fear SUV's!!!!!
Or old men or both.
I suppose mostly Both. and Yup, if you mean the one I'm thinking of, He done runned into a preschool.
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