Things liberals "know"


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Liberals "know" that white people are the "majority" that oppresses all other races.

Liberals "know" that people born with penises are a "majority" that "oppresses" people born with vaginas.


It is estimated that there are are slightly more men than women in the world. The United Nations estimates the world population to be approximately 7.5 billion people with the number likely to hit 8 billion by 2023. The sex ratio in humans in 2015 was thought to be about 1:1 with the ratio at birth estimated to be about 102 men to 100 women.

But liberals "know" that children can "identify" as any one of a myriad of "fluid genders," so there are no definitive statistics.

Despite this, liberals "know" that males (people born with penises who accept their biological sex) oppress all other people by virtue of sheer numbers.

Liberals also "know" that females (people born with vaginas who accept their biological sex) are more able than males (people born with penises who accept their biological sex) but must be given additional advantages by policy and legislation in order to achieve "equality."

Liberals "know" that females (people born with vaginas who accept their biological sex) are "fierce" but must be encouraged by perpetual acclamation for mundane everyday tasks like becoming pregnant, getting a job, attending school, or winning an election.