Things on my mind and other useless stuff


Ghost of the Past
Once, when I was 4, I cried for absolutely no reason. I believe that was the last time.

A friend of mine had a breast reduction. They put her nipples back in the wrong place. Odd

I wish I believed in reincarnation.

Is it redundant to recycle recycled stuff?

I can't get no satisfaction.

What is the point of the silent e? If it silent, couldn't it be any letter? Say...the silent z? I mean, the z is the most fun letter and it is completely under used.

Why aren't foot and boot and pronounced the same way?

Do men think that yelling Hey Baby at random women is somehow going to make us stop what we are doing and have sex with them on the spot? What's the point?

Is Pro-Life an oxymoron if you support the death penalty?

I feel cheated by being just an American. Where is my hyphen?

Is it politically correct when you're wrong?

If two wrongs don't make a right, why do you get a positive when you multiply two negatives?

I like limericks. I like poetry that rhymes. Sue me.

Those that came over on the Mayflower must have been some procreating mofo's.

If a bear farts in the forest, does it make a sound?

Is the first person to drink cow's milk the bravest person ever? Did he use a cup?

These are just a few of the things running through my mind as I try not to think about people trying to kill my best friend. It isn't working.