APP - Things that make you scratch your head

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
There is an interesting dynamic at play that makes me wonder. It is this. I have heard a number of democrat party candidates for President articulate their desire to "break up" and "regulate" BIG TECH like Google and Microsoft and Facebook etc. Most notably is Fauxcahontas Warren

Why even Kamalama Ding Dong Harris says she wants to break up Facebook

Now a leftist like Fauxcahontas attacking businesses isn't a surprise, it is what fascists do. What is surprising is the amount of money Big Tech is donating to Fauxcahontas presumably to try to get her elected.

Two of the biggest recipients of BIG TECH money are Kamalama Ding Dong Harris and Fauxcahontas. So one must ask. Why would these BIG TECH employees be donating to someone who is threatening their livelihood? Are they voting and spending against their own economic interests?

Or do they know something?
