Things that the West can learn from the Muslim world


Verified User
Some things which the West, particularily those on the side of fascism and the new right could learn from the theocratic Muslim nations:

1. Pornography - Pornography is rightfully a criminal offense in the Muslim world (I'm not sure of the status of masturbation, or how criminalizing it could be enforced, but that's a separate issue) - rather than foised upon us or readily available, the Muslim world just bans and punishes it outright - this is something we of the right could emulate, with even more severe penalties if it depicts sodomy.

2. Atheism and apostacy - Atheism and apostacy are potentially punishable by death in Islamist nations; sadly we in the decadent West tolerate the existence of atheists; when executing them would be more expedient - for an atheist is worse than a traitor, an atheist is a traitor not only against a Godly nation, but against God himself - so the natural penalty for them is a swift death sentence followed by immolation in hellfire.

3.The myth of "separation" of church and state

In Islamist nations, no such myth and fabrication of "church and state" being separate exists, as has been so perversely invented in the West to satisfy the lusts and deviances of atheists, pornographers, blasphemers, and other Godless, heathen ilk.

Church and state should, of course make no more pretense about being one and the same - there should be one national church (specifically of the Christian variety), with the only ability to possess rights or any pretense of participation in politics, education or society being membership in the state religion.

All education, public and private should be for the education and indoctrination of the citizen into Godliness and patriotism. - with all media nationalized and converted into a national and religious broadcasting service.

Heathens, heretics, apostates, atheists and such ilk would be "tolerated" so long as they keep their filth out of the public and in the closet, but they would have no ability to participate in politics, education, law or society unless they profess the national faith and creed - anyone who publicly promotes the scourge of atheism should be tried and excited, both as a traitor to state, and apostate to God himself. (The same would be true about degenerate, heathen "churches" which the state deems heretical and subversive - they should be shut down and burned to the ground, and their members executed for apostacy, in a manner akin to that of the Inquisitons of Yore - particularily the heretical churchs which falsely promise negros, treacherous Jews, and other lessers, heathens, and savages the same "place" in the Kingdom of God as the white man - for even if God allows a negro into his kingdom, his place will still be beneath that of the white man, much as the woman's will be beneath her husband).


This, I'd argue, would be good inspiration for starters.
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You left off:

Women are chattel. They have few or no rights and should be pup tented and not heard. But you are entitled to a herd--if you want them...

That corporal punishment and death penalties are common for many crimes. This would include honor killings within a family.

You must rise before the sun does and bang your head on the floor repeatedly while mooning a rock in a box, under a tarp, at the bottom of a football stadium, while an unwashed mass of humanity swirls around it like water going down a toilet bowl, until after the sun sets. You are allowed bathroom breaks...

All holidays and celebrations are cancelled except really boring and trying religious ones.
sounds like a lovely agenda......lib'ruls must be excited for the support they are getting from the muslim community in places like Minnesota....