Think Progress Shuts Down


Well-known member
I've seen folks post articles from that site here over the years. Was it in the regular reading rotation for anyone? Surprised to see it go or has this been a possibility for awhile?
Let's hope bullshit propoganda sites like Alternet, Daily Kos and Raw Sewage follow them.

Let's hope bullshit propoganda sites like Alternet, Daily Kos and Raw Sewage follow them.

I do not disagree at all. Especially Raw Story but all those you listed. Trash.

But to be real man I'd say the same about sites like Breibart. I got into with a buddy about Breibart. He was telling me it's a factual site etc. My response was no, it's not. He just likes it because it says what he wants to hear. Same reason people like Daily Kos and Raw Story. But that doesn't make it a factual or accurate site.
I do not disagree at all. Especially Raw Story but all those you listed. Trash.

But to be real man I'd say the same about sites like Breibart. I got into with a buddy about Breibart. He was telling me it's a factual site etc. My response was no, it's not. He just likes it because it says what he wants to hear. Same reason people like Daily Kos and Raw Story. But that doesn't make it a factual or accurate site.

You are utterly wrong about Breitbart, they are heavily opinionated, obviously, but their news division is credible.
You are utterly wrong about Breitbart, they are heavily opinionated, obviously, but their news division is credible.

No disrespect man but if one thinks Breitbart is the place to go for accurate news I'm not sure what to say. It's a far right nationalist (with alt right ties) site. If that's your thing then sure, it's an appealing site.

It's not that different than those who have defended Raw Story on this board. "It's accurate, they source their stories etc." is what defenders will say. Anyone on the right knows that's full of crap. Breitbart ain't that different.
No disrespect man but if one thinks Breitbart is the place to go for accurate news I'm not sure what to say. It's a far right nationalist (with alt right ties) site. If that's your thing then sure, it's an appealing site.

It's not that different than those who have defended Raw Story on this board. "It's accurate, they source their stories etc." is what defenders will say. Anyone on the right knows that's full of crap. Breitbart ain't that different.

James Delinpole writes for Breitbart and he used to write for the Daily Telegraph mainly about climate issues.
James Delinpole writes for Breitbart and he used to write for the Daily Telegraph mainly about climate issues.

I can't speak to each and every writer at Breitbart. There very well could be good ones. But on the whole it is a very biased/propaganda type site very similar to raw story. Steve Bannon called it a site for the alt-right.

To each his own if they want to read it. I'm not buying the argument that it's a good place to go for straight forward news. It's not.
You are utterly wrong about Breitbart, they are heavily opinionated, obviously, but their news division is credible.

Breitbart is nothing more than a catalyst for the White Nationalist movement.

They may post news as accurate to a degree, but look at the subject matter- Stories that are racially incendiary and intended to scare and anger White People!
No disrespect man but if one thinks Breitbart is the place to go for accurate news I'm not sure what to say. It's a far right nationalist (with alt right ties) site. If that's your thing then sure, it's an appealing site.

It's not that different than those who have defended Raw Story on this board. "It's accurate, they source their stories etc." is what defenders will say. Anyone on the right knows that's full of crap. Breitbart ain't that different.

I have gone there & read articles a few times-usually when someone posts & I follow the link, I will read around @ the head lines etc & I have found stories there I have not heard/read & often find a grain or two of interesting truth..

Some is out right BS of course but IMHO it is interesting to read the different characters & different takes w/ a make up of different facts, any & all which can be independently verified easily enough..
I have gone there & read articles a few times-usually when someone posts & I follow the link, I will read around @ the head lines etc & I have found stories there I have not heard/read & often find a grain or two of interesting truth..

Some is out right BS of course but IMHO it is interesting to read the different characters & different takes w/ a make up of different facts, any & all which can be independently verified easily enough..

It's a fair point to say even the most biased of sites can tell the truth (on occasion) and have an interesting perspective other people or sites don't. I wouldn't want the government stepping in and saying Breibart or Raw Story can't exist. But on the whole I'd argue we are not better off for the content they produce.
It's a fair point to say even the most biased of sites can tell the truth (on occasion) and have an interesting perspective other people or sites don't. I wouldn't want the government stepping in and saying Breibart or Raw Story can't exist. But on the whole I'd argue we are not better off for the content they produce.
In general I would agree, but some gems can be found there..
No disrespect man but if one thinks Breitbart is the place to go for accurate news I'm not sure what to say. It's a far right nationalist (with alt right ties) site. If that's your thing then sure, it's an appealing site.

It's not that different than those who have defended Raw Story on this board. "It's accurate, they source their stories etc." is what defenders will say. Anyone on the right knows that's full of crap. Breitbart ain't that different.

I'm no nationalist, and "alt-right is pretty much a contrived term. I'm an American conservative. You obviously have an irrational bias towards Brietbart, and know little about the organization. I listen to Alex Marlowe on Brietbart News Daily, and he is a solid conservative. Not sure what your exact beef is with them, but I suspect you have just bought into the propaganda.
It's a fair point to say even the most biased of sites can tell the truth (on occasion) and have an interesting perspective other people or sites don't. I wouldn't want the government stepping in and saying Breibart or Raw Story can't exist. But on the whole I'd argue we are not better off for the content they produce.

Seriously, conflating Brietbart with Rawrstory is really the height of ignorance. Can you point to one or two examples of Brietbart getting it egregiously wrong?