Think this Antifa broad learned her lesson?



This is such a hilarious read. This Antifa/Feminazi decides to shack up with a muslime and learns what it is really like. Do you think she learned her lesson? Not a chance. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

She deserved everything she got. She was, as they say asking for it
"It has been two months since my return to the US. Intimate partner violence, or domestic abuse, was something I never imagined that I would stumble into. But misogyny and patriarchy run deep, especially in Turkey, and I found myself in a bad situation.

Unwanted sex? Rape? All the time. He did not stop to determine whether I consented to sex. The physical abuse was accompanied by degrading comments. How can a radical activist and a feminist find herself in a relationship like this? An abundance of optimism is perhaps my greatest crime."

My sides! :rofl2:

I guess she couldn't find a BLM member to mudshark with.

They never learn. They still want us to welcome these animals whose first impulse is to rape women and kill gays. :palm:

She is a big Antifa broad. Stupid liberals never learn

I bet if she was GayRods daughter he would applaud her multiculturalism